2. Basic commands

2.1. List available modules

Just want to know what modules Chuck knows of?

chuck list_modules

2.2. Search for a module

To search through the name and description of all modules use the command search_module

chuck search_module cms

2.3. Build a new project

To create a project you need to specify a project prefix (e.g. customer), a project name and optionally modules to include in your project.

Example: The following command will build a django-cms project with unittest and jenkins support:

chuck create_project <project_prefix> <project_name> django-cms,unittest,jenkins

You can also add other Python module with a version number like for using pip

chuck create_project <project_prefix> <project_name> unittest,jenkins -a django-social-auth==0.6.9

2.4. Setup an existing project

At some time in your development process you have got a project in your version control system and another developer wants to setup his or her development environment. This normally includes the following steps:

  • Checkout the source
  • Create virtualenv
  • Install requirements
  • Setup the database
  • Optionally load some fixtures or other test data

After doing these steps five or tens times it gets annoying, so why don’t you let Chuck do the job?

chuck setup_project <url_to_repo>

For example if you use a Git repository you simply execute the following:

chuck setup_project git://github.com/notch-interactive/django-chuck


As for now, this process is only supported for projects which got created through Django Chuck or contain a valid chuck_setup.py file. We plan to make this work on non-Chuck projects in the near future though.

Project Versions

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3. Project structure

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