1. Installation

1.1. Requirements

  • Python 2.5 or higher
  • pip
  • virtualenv

1.3. Installation via pip

  • pip install django-chuck

1.4. Installation via source code

  • git clone http://www.github.com/notch-interactive/django-chuck.git
  • cd django-chuck
  • python setup.py install

1.5. Configuration

Locate the example_conf.py file on your computer:

  • on Linux: /usr/share/django_chuck/example_conf.py
  • on Mac OS X: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7./share/django-chuck/example_conf.py
  • on Mac OS X with a MacPorts Python version: /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share/django-chuck/example_conf.py

Copy the file to your home directory and name it django_chuck_conf.py:

  • ~/django_chuck_conf.py

Your config file is just a normal Python file so you need to follow the Python syntax, use Python datatypes and you can even dynamically generate the config using functions, external modules, database settings or whatever you like. The config gets loaded like a normal Python module.

Here’s a brief description of the default settings you can configure.

setting description
debug Turn on debugging mode
default_modules Comma-separated list of module that should always be included when creating a new project
django_settings Default Django settings file
module_basedirs Comma-separated list of directories where chuck should search for modules. Will be replaced with the Django Chuck modules dir
module_aliases A dictionary of lists containing module alias names and list of modules they install
project_basedir Where to store your projects
python_version Python version to use in virtualenv activate (default is version of current interpreter)
template_engine Template engine module to use. For example if you want to use Cheetah or Mako instead of Chuck’s default engine.
use_virtualenvwrapper Indicates if we should use virtualenvwrapper
version_control_system Version control system to use (can be cvs, svn, git or hg)
virtualenv_basedir Where to store your virtualenvs

You can add every command parameter to you config settings by using its dest parameter.

("-mbs", {
               "help": "Comma separated list of dirs where chuck should look for modules",
               "dest": "module_basedir",
               "default": None,
               "nargs": "?",

This parameter can be set by using module_basedir in the config file.

1.6. Module aliases

You have some sets of modules that you want to install quite often and you don’t want to type the list of modules over and over again? No problem. Just give your module list an alias name and install that instead.

module_aliases = {
    "test": ["unittest", "jenkins"]

Now every time you specify the alias test in either the command line call or a config parameter, the modules unittest and jenkins will get installed.

Project Versions

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