3. Project structure

This section covers the file generation when running with the built-in modules. A lot of muscle went into the process of figuring out a sensible and pragmatic default project structure that satisfies the needs of the most common use cases, so we advise you to give the built-ins a shot, even if they don’t cover your specific scenario right away. Remember, customizing is always easy once you understand what’s actually going on.

3.1. Understanding the core module

The main structure for every project you create with Django Chuck is defined by the core module. It is by definition the entry point to every project you create. In fact, it defines (and has to define!) the very skeleton of every project you’re building with Chuck. It is also the only module that will always get installed with top priority. You can override the built-in core module by providing your own via module_basedirs in your config file.

The built-in core module enforces the following structure:

3.1.1. The root

Folder Description
db This is the folder, where your dev SQLite database gets created when not providing other defaults through a module. The folder and its contents are by default excluded from version control.
<project_name> This is the main project folder. Everything that is Django-related about your project should reside within this folder.
.gitignore Speaks for itself, we guess. Contains some sensible defaults.
manage.py Again, this should be clear to any Djangonaut.
chuck_setup.py This is the file that represents the Django Chuck project setup. Most important when using the the chuck setup_project command

3.1.2. The settings

By default all normal settings like STATIC_ROOT, TEMPLATE_DIRS, MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and INSTALLED_APPS are located in project/settings/common.py. All settings that are likely to be changed after project creation like ADMINS, LANGUAGE_CODE and INTERNAL_IPS can be found in custom.py. Additionally there are settings for development environment (dev.py), for a staging environment (stage.py) and for live aka production (live.py).


If you include the unittest module you will also get a project/settings/test.py that can be used to easily setup your project in the continuous integration system Jenkins.

Folder Description
<project_name>/settings/ The settings folder
<project_name>/settings/__init__.py This one’s clear, ain’t it.
<project_name>/settings/common.py This is the place where all the shared settings like INSTALLED_APPS go. Most likely to be extended in modules.
<project_name>/settings/custom.py Gets imported by common.py. This is the place for storing settings that are likely to change, like INTERNAL_IPS, ADMINS and so on
<project_name>/settings/dev.py This is the file that represents all the needs of your development environment. By default, this file gets exported as DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in your virtualenv. This can be changed via config file. Imports * from common.py
<project_name>/settings/live.py This is meant to represent any settings specific to your production environment. Imports * from common.py
<project_name>/settings/stage.py This is meant to represent any settings specific to your staging or integration environment. Imports * from common.py

3.1.3. The templates

Folder Description
templates The template folder.
templates/404.html A simple default 404 page that gets displayed whenever such an error occurs.
templates/500.html A simple default 500 page that gets displayed whenever such an error occurs.
templates/base.html Should be the base for every HTML response except the error pages. Defines the very basic structural elements like the doctype, the heading and the body.
templates/site_base.html Extends base.html and defines meta information, global style and script directives and so on.
templates/subsite.html Extends site_base.html, example for an actual template.

3.1.4. The requirements

Folder Description
requirements/ The requirements folder.
requirements/requirements.txt Contains the requirements for all environments.
requirements/requirements_local.txt Entries should only be installed on your workstation.
requirements/requirements_dev.txt This entries should get installed if you are a Django developer. This is the place where debugging and testing tools’ requirements go.
requirements/requirements_live.txt Takes all requirements that are used to get your hosting up and running (e.g. the production database driver).

Project Versions

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