Writing templatesΒΆ

Every file in every module will get parsed and rendered through the template engine.

Template can create new files or extend block in existing files and you can use variables that get replaces by its real values.

Here is an overview about all available variables.

Variable Description
$EMAIL_DOMAIN Your email domain
$PROJECT_PREFIX The project prefix (e.g. customer)
$PROJECT_NAME The name of the project
$SITE_NAME Concatenation of project prefix and name
$MODULE_BASEDIR The full path to the module directory
$PROJECT_BASEDIR Local directory where Chuck shall create new projects
$PYTHON_VERSION The version of the Python interpreter (e.g. 2.7)
$SERVER_PROJECT_BASEDIR Directory where all you projects are stored on your server (used for fab file)
$SERVER_VIRTUALENV_BASEDIR Directory where all you virtualenvs are stored on your server (used for fab file)
$VIRTUALENV_BASEDIR Local directory where Chuck shall create virtualenvs

A template that should be expandable needs an #!chuck_renders block. Its common practice to write block names in uppercase and they cannot contain spaces.

Let’s for example create a requirements.txt file with the following content

#!chuck_extends REQUIREMENTS

The first line creates the block REQUIREMENTS which gets closed by the #!end tag. Please note that currently you cannot use nested blocks!

Now we will write another template that extends the first one.

#!chuck_extends requirements.txt

#!chuck_appends REQUIREMENTS

The first line tells the template engine to read the file requirements.txt in your site directory and search for a block called REQUIREMENTS. If it finds one, it appends the contents to that block. You could also use #!chuck_prepends here to prepend the content, #!chuck_renders will completely overwrite the block.

Here’s an overview about all available template commands.

Command Description
#!chuck_appends Appends to a block
#!chuck_extends Extends the given file. Throws error if file doesnt exist
#!chuck_extends_if_exists Extends the given file only if the file exists
#!chuck_prepends Prepends to a block
#!chuck_renders Creates or overwrites a block
#!end Closes a block

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