
The file is a normal Python file and used to describe a project. If this file is available Chuck is able to automatically setup the project using the setup_project command.

It can not only be used to describe a project (e.g. project prefix and name, settings file etc.), but also to define hooks before and every build step like syncdb or build virtualenv to customize the build process completely to your needs!

The script gets some variables and help functions injected to make your life easier. Here’s an overview which variables get injected.

Variable Description
virtualenv_dir The full path to the virtualenv
site_dir The full path to the projects site dir
project_dir Combination of site_dir and site_name-project_name
project_name The name of the project
site_name The name of the site (project_prefix)

And a list of help functions you can use.

Function Description
execute_in_project(cmd) Loads virtualenv and django settings and executes the given command
db_cleanup Delete django tables for complete db import. Useful for django-cms migration.
load_fixtures(file) Load the given fixture file

Last but not least a full example that will use custom syncdb and migrate parameter, add an admin user and load some fixtures after successful build.

project_prefix = "test"
project_name = "project"
django_settings = ""
extra_syncdb_options = "--all"
extra_migrate_options = "--fake"

def pre_git_clone():

def post_git_clone():

def pre_build_virtualenv():

def post_build_virtualenv():

def pre_sync_db():

def post_sync_db():

def pre_migrate_db():

def post_migrate_db():
    load_fixtures(os.path.join(site_dir, "fixtures", "test_data.json"))

Project Versions

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