Installing Georegistry:

Georegistry requires MongoDB, Python, PostgreSQL, Django, and a variety of related dependences. It also requires a web server to run in a production mode.

This document outlines Georegistry configuration for on Ubuntu 10.10 Linux system running Apache2 as the web server. you may need to adjust these directions slighly or significantly to get the service to run on other flavors of Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, or Windows.

MongoDB Setup:

Georegistry requires MongoDB and for special geospatial indicies to be created. Follow the steps below carefully.

Install MongoDB:

Install mongo on your system.

tar zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.8.0.tgz
cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.8.0/bin

Make a directory for the data. We are using the directory /home/alan/.data as an example. The point is to create a directory to hold the data files.

mkdir /home/alan/.data/

Start the database:

./mongod --dbpath=/home/alan/.data/

I like to add a line in my .basrc to easily start MongoDB. (adjust for your environment)

alias mgdb='/home/alan/.bin/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.8.0/bin/mongod --dbpath=/home/alan/.data/'

To re-read baschrc without opening anew window, type:

source .bashrc

Create the Necessary Indecies:

Enter the Mongo shell and connect to your database and collection. We are assuming the names georegistry02/georegistry02 respecitvley.

db = connect("localhost/georegistry02");
use georegistry02;

Create the necessary indecies. Do this for your main, historical, and verified collections. These should correspond to the values in the file which is part of the Georegistry Django application.

db.geometry_coordinates.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } )
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { geometry_coordinates : "2d" } )
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { 'country_code' : 1 } )
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { 'id' : 1 } )
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { 'classifiers.subcategory' : 1 } );
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { 'classifiers.category' : 1 } );
db.<collection_name>.ensureIndex( { 'classifiers.type' : 1 } );

Just as an FYI, here is how to display everything in the collection as JSON.


Install prerequisites for Georegistry:

These instruction may need to be modified based on your flavor/version of Linux/Unix.

For example, you could install python-imaging with pip, by typing:

sudo pip install PIL

...or you could install it via a Linux distribution package such as Ubuntu 10.10

sudo apt-get install python-imaging

Setup on Ubuntu 10.10:

Grab the necessary prerequisite Ubuntu packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgeos-c1 python-imaging git-core build-essental python2.6-dev python-setuptools libdecodeqr0 libdecodeqr-dev libqrencode3 libqrencode-dev
sudo easy_install pip

Install Rtree

tar zxvf spatialindex-src-1.6.1.tar.gz
cd spatialindex-src-1.6.1
./configure; make; sudo make install;

Install Django 1.3

sudo pip install Django

Download the Georegistry application:

git clone git://
cd georegistry

Install more prereqiusites per the requirements file:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database

python syncdb

Run the development server:

python runserver

Now that you have the server running in a develoment environment. See georegistry/apache/READE.rst for instructions to congigure the application with Apache2.

Notes for Max OSX Users:

These tips may help setup qrencode, whih requires some C libraries.

brew install qrencode
env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" pip install -r requirements.txt


brew install qrencode pip install -r requirements.txt