Georegistry API Tutorial:

1. Overview:

Georegistry is an easy to use RESTful geospatial health index designed to improve global health through increased access to information. It speaks GeoJSON by default. Its hosted at

1.1 Technical Details:

This document describes how to use the API (as a client), and does not cover Georegistry server configuration. For server configuration, see the RESTCat server documentation for server setup here:

1.2 A Quick Example:

The following describes how a client might fetch a geoprapic feature using the API:

All that needs to happen is to go to this url (and be authenticated to access the resource). You need a username and password to access to authenticate.

For Example, we could do this in any programming language or use a tool like curl.

curl -u testuser:testpass

The above query return a GeoJSON object which may look something like ....

    "status": 200,
    "total": 1,
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": "[0.0, 0.0]"
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {
                "name": "fgf",
                "subdivision_code": "AH",
                "epoch": "1297102984",
                "properties_type": "school",
                "country_code": "GH",
                "_id": "7718277c-b149-4c14-9a23-8510707da64a",
                "id": "GR-7718277c-8510707da64a"

1.3 API Methods for Manipulating Features:


<> = required

[] = optional

/api/1.0/createfeature/ GET/POST POST:Create a feature in the MAIN collection. GET returns a blank form.
/api/1.0/updatefeature/<feature_id> GET/POST POST:Update an existing feature, feature_id, in the MAIN collection. GET returns a blank form.
/api/1.0/editfeature/<feature_id> GET/POST POST:Edit am existing feature, feature_id, in the MAIN collection. GET returns a prepopulated form.
/api/1.0/deletefeature/ GET/POST POST:Delete an existing feature, feature_id, in the MAIN collection. GET returns a feature_id (single field) form.
/api/1.0/verifyfeature/ GET/POST POST:Verify an existing feature, feature_id, in the MAIN collection. GET returns a feature_id (single field) form.
/api/1.0/collection/<collection_name>/updatefeature/<feature_id> GET/POST POST:Update the existing feature, feature_id, in the collection_id. GET returns a blank form.
/api/1.0/collection/<collection_name>/editfeature/<feature_id> GET/POST POST:Edit the existing feature, feature_id, in the collection_id. GET returns a prepopulated form.
/api/1.0/collection/<collection_name>/deletefeature/ GET/POST POST:Delete the existing feature, feature_id, in the collection_id. GET returns a feature_id (single field) form.

1.4 API Methods for Querying Features:


<> = required

[] = optional

/api/1.0/feature/<feature_id>.json GET Get the GeoJSON Code for a feature
/api/1.0/feature/<feature_id>.png GET Get the QR for a feature
/api/1.0/feature/<feature_id>@<epoch>.json GET Get the GeoJSON Code for a feature at a particular epoch (timestamp)
/api/1.0/feature/<feature_id>@<epoch>.png GET Get the QR for a feature at a particular epoch (timestamp)
/api/1.0/features/search?<some GET query string>[&limit=a][&skip=b] GET Get features that match the search dict passed in.
/api/1.0/features/count?<some GET query string> GET Gat a count of features that match the search dict passed in.
/api/1.0/features/country/<country_code>[-subdivision_code].json[?&limit=a][&skip=b] GET GET Get all features with a particular country and or subdivision code (ISO 3166-1) eg. GH or GH-AH
/api/1.0/features/at-point/<lat>/<lon>/ GET Get all point features at a specific lat/long point
/api/1.0/features/near-point/<lat>/<lon>/<limit>/<distance> GET Get all features near a specific lat/long point
/api/1.0/features/containing-point/<lat>/<lon>/ GET Get all features containing a specific lat/long point with a limit of <limit> and a max distance of <max_distance>
/api/1.0/features/in-boundingbox/<botleft_lon>/botleft_lat>/<topright_lon>/<topright_lat>/ GET Get all featues in a bounding box og bottom left and top right lat/long
/api/1.0/history/feature/<feature_id>.json GET Get the GeoJSON for a historical feature (historical= a feature that has been suplanted by a newer version)

1.5 Metadata API Methods:


<> = required

[] = optional

/api/1.0/features/classifiers GET Get the classifiers defined in the system in JSON
/api/1.0/features/countries GET Get the list of coutries in the system in JSON
/api/1.0/features/subdivisions GET Get the list of subdivisions in the system in JSON
/api/1.0/features/locations GET Get the list of top 3 locations in the system in JSON
/api/1.0/counters/cached-total GET Get the cached count total of all features in JSON
/api/1.0/counters/cached-country/<country_code> GET Get the cached count total of country_code features in JSON
/api/1.0/counters/cached-classifier/<classifer_level>/<classifier_slug> GET Get the cached count total for a classifer in JSON. See classifers in the admin for potential values
/api/1.0/counters/build-cached-total GET Generate a new cached count for a classifer in JSON
/api/1.0/counters/build-cached-country/<country_code> GET Generate a new cached count for a specific country_code in JSON
/api/1.0/counters/build-cached-classifier/<classifer_level>/<classifier_slug> GET Generate a new cached count for a classifer in JSON. See classifers in the admin for potential values

1.5 Maintenace API Methods:


<> = required

[] = optional

/maintenance/load_countries_into_simple_locations GET Loads All country data into simplelocations.
/maintenance/<level>/import-shapefile-to-simple-locations GET/POST Upload a dbf file either admin level 1 or 2 only and import it into simple_locations.