Djeese Command Line Client

Djeese offers a command line client to make certain tasks easier.


The djeese command line client requires Python 2.5 or a higher version of the 2.x series of Python as well as the requests library (version 0.8 or higher). The latter should be automatically installed when installing the djeese command line client.

The djeese command line client is currently only supported on Linux and Mac OS X, although it should also work on Windows.


Make sure your system has Python installed and that it is available from your command line.

Install pip by following the installation instructions on the pip website.

Install the djeese command line client using pip install djeese (this might require root privileges).


The djeese command line client can be called using the djeese command from your command line after you successfully installed it.

Following options are available to all subcommands:

-v 1
--verbosity 1

Set the verbosity of the command. Available options: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Higher values means more output.


Shows help for the specified subcommand.

djeese createapp

Starts an interactive session to create a Djeese Application Configuration file as described in Djeese Application Configuration. This command requires internet access.

djeese checkapp <filename>

Validates the Djeese Application Configuration in <filepath>.

djeese uploadapp <> <filename>

Builds and uploads an application to djeese. The <> is the file to install your application. <filepath> is the path to your Djeese Application Configuration file.

djeese createboilerplate

Starts an interactive session to create a Djeese Boilerplate Configuration file.

djeese checkboilerplate <filename>

Validates the Djeese Boilerplate Configuration in <filepath>.

djeese uploadboilerplate <filename>

Builds and uploads an boilerplate to djeese. <filepath> is the path to your Djeese Boilerplate Configuration file.

djeese clonestatic <websitename> <outputdir>

Clones the static files of the website with the name <websitename> to <outputdir>. <outputdir>> defaults to 'static/'. All files in <outputdir> will be overwritten.

djeese runstatic <url> <sourcedir> --port=8080

Runs a server that serves the static files locally from <sourcedir> and all other content from <url>. <sourcedir> defaults to 'static/'. You may optionally provide the --port argument which defaults to 8080. This command is useful for debugging your CSS. You may access the page from your browser at http://localhost:<port>.

djeese pushstatic <websitename> <sourcedir>

Pushes the staticfiles from <sourcedir> to the website with the name <websitename>. <sourcedir> defaults to 'static/'. All files will be overwritten remotely.