Djeese Application Configuration

Applications for the Djeese Application Store must provide a configuration file describing the properties and settings of an application.

Configuration File Format

Djeese Application Configurations are written in the INI file format as understood by Python’s ConfigParser module. While not required we recommend you use the .ini extension for those files.


We decided to use file-based configurations over a web form so you can use your favorite version control system to version the configurations if you want to. This is optional of course. Further it keeps some options open for our command line tool in the future.

The Djeese Application Configuration file must have an app section and can optionally have a templates section as well as a section for each setting defined in the settings option in the app section.

The app Section

The app section is the main (and only required) section in your Djeese Application Configuration file. It has following required options:

  • name: The (unique) verbose name of your application.

  • packagename: The package name of your application.

  • version: The version of your application this configuration file

    describes. This does not have to be a version available on PyPI but rather is an internal version for djeese.

  • installed-apps: A list of application names this application needs to

    have in Django’s INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  • description: A description of your application. May be multiple lines.

  • license: The license type of this application (BSD, MIT, proprietary, ...).

  • license-path: Path to the license text file. Must be accessible when

    running uploadapp.

  • url: The URL to your applications project page.

It may further have following optional options:

  • settings: A list of settings this application exposes. The names given

    here do not have to be the actual setting names, but are merely references to a section with the same name in this file.

  • author: The name of the author of this application.

  • author-url: The URL to the authors website.

  • translation-url: Link to the translation page for this project, for

    example the transifex page.

  • plugins: A list of plugin (class) names this application provides.

    Required for successful uninstallations.

  • apphooks: A list of apphook (class) names this application provides.

    Required for successful uninstallations.

The templates section

The templates section defines templates that should be editable through djeese by the users. For CMS Plugins this should include the template that gets rendered by the plugin. Admin templates can and probably should be omitted.

The keys to this section are the template paths as used by Django’s template system. The values are paths to the template source code, which must be accessible when running uploadapp.

The setting sections

For each setting defined in the settings option of the app section, you must create a section with the same name. This section has following required options:

  • name: The name of this setting. This is the name used in Python.

  • verbose-name: The verbose name of this setting as used on the djeese site

    when the user is prompted to configure this setting.

  • type: The type of this setting. Available values are: string,

    stringlist, stringtuplelist, :boolean, staticfile and choices.

It may also include the following optional options:

  • default: The default value for this setting. Only available for the

    string type at the moment.

  • required: If set to false makes this setting optional. By default all

    settings defined are required.

  • editable: If set to false makes this setting non-editable. This

    requires the setting to have a default set. This option should be avoided if possible.

The staticfile type also has following optional option:

  • file-extension: Allowed file extension, for example png. If omitted,

    any file type that can be uploaded using pushstatic can be used.

The choices type also has following required option:

  • choices: The name of the configuration section that holds the choices.

    That section must exist. The sections keys are the values to be saved to the setting, the sections values are the labels to display in the forms.

Setting types

A simple string. For example "hello world".
A list of strings. For example ['hello', 'world'].
A list of tuples of strings. For example [('en', 'English')].
A boolean flag (True or False).
A (single) file selected from the files that are uploaded with pushstatic.
Gives the user a list of choices to choose from.

An Example

This is an example Djeese Application Configuration for the CMSPlugin Disqus.

name = CMSPlugin disqus
packagename = cmsplugin-disqus
private = false
url =
author = Djeese Factory GmbH
author-url =
installed-apps =
version =
description = Disqus plugin for django CMS
license = BSD
license-path = LICENSE.txt
translation-url =
settings =
plugins =

verbose-name = Disqus Site Shortname
type = string
required = true

cmsplugin_disqus/disqus_plugin.html = cmsplugin_disqus/templates/cmsplugin_disqus/disqus_plugin.html

Project Versions

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