Answers to many common questions.


What is the default admin password ?

Answer: None, There is no default admin password, you need to run baruwa-admin syncdb or baruwa-admin createsuperuser to create an initial admin user.

Admin tasks

How do i add domains ?

Answer: Domains can be added to accounts of type “Domain admin” You need to create an account, edit the account profile and set account type to “Domain admin”, then add the domain under the accounts managed domains.

Can i add domains to the Administrator account ?

Answer: No, Domains can only be added to accounts of “Domain admin” type, the administrator account is for managing all other aspects of the system.

Can a user have multiple email addresses on a single account ?

Answer: Yes You can add associated addresses to a users account. All emails to these addresses will undergo the same lists checks as the primary address and will be viewable by the user.

Can users use their current mail password to login to Baruwa ?

Answer: Yes Setup external authentication with either POP3, IMAP, SMTP, LDAP and RADIUS / RSA SecurID.

How do i route mail to the final destination ?

Answer: You can add multiple final destinations to a domain. Go to the domain in Baruwa and add “Delivery SMTP server”.

The servers can either be load balanced or fail over, this is dependent on what MTA you are using.

Refer to MTA integration for details.

Are there any restrictions on username format ?

Answer: No, However users that authenticate to external systems will have their email address automatically configured as their username locally.

Interface usage