

Django URL Shortner ================ A Django application that adds an URL shortener to your site similar to This is a fork of [django-tinylinks]( This project adds a REST API and integration with the [Piwik]( Open Analytics Platform. Installation ------------ You need to install the following prerequisites in order to use this app:: pip install django==1.4.2 pip install South==0.7.6 pip install django-libs==0.8 pip install urllib3==1.5 pip install djangorestframework==2.3.13 If you want to install the latest stable release from PyPi:: $ pip install TODO Add ``tinylinks`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ..., 'tinylinks', ) Add the ``tinylinks`` URLs to your ````:: urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^s/', include('tinylinks.urls')), ) Don't forget to migrate your database:: ./ migrate tinylinks Settings -------- TINYLINK_LENGTH +++++++++++++++ Default: 6 Integer representing the number of characters for your tinylinks. This setting is used when the app suggests a new tinylink. Regardless of this setting users will be able to create custom tinylinks with up to 32 characters. TINYLINK_CHECK_INTERVAL +++++++++++++++++++++++ Default: 10 Number of minutes between two runs of the check command. This number should be big enough so that one run can complete before the next run is scheduled. TINYLINK_CHECK_PERIOD +++++++++++++++++++++ Default: 300 Number of minutes in which all URLs should have been updated at least once. If this is 300 it means that within 5 hours we want to update all URLs. If ``TINYLINK_CHECK_INTERVAL`` is 10 it means that we will run the command every 10 minutes. Combined with a total time of 300 minutes, this means that we can execute the command 300/10=30 times during one period. Now we can devide the total number of URLs by 30 and on each run we will update the X most recent URLs. After 10 runs, we will have updated all URLs. PIWIK_ID ++++++++ Default: None The Piwik ID for the of the website in which this app is installed. This should be easily found on the Settings page under the Websites menu. PIWIK_URL +++++++++ Default: None This is the URL at which your copy of Piwik is running. PIWIK_TOKEN +++++++++++ Default: None The API key provided by Piwik. GEOIP_PATH ++++++++++ Default: None The path for the MaxMind GeoIP data. Usage ----- Just visit the root URL of the app. Let's assume you hooked the app into your ```` at `s/`, then visit ``. You will see your tinylist overview. Go to `` to see a form to submit a new long URL. After submitting, you will be redirected to a new page which shows the generated short URL. If you want this URL to have a different short URL, just change the short URL to your liking. Now visit `` and you will be redirected to your long URL. Piwik Integration ----------------- If you want to export the data to Piwik, you will have to own a clean installation of it, so go and download it from ([] and then follow the (installation guide)[]. API Resources ------------- The API is created using django rest framework and it has 6 resources at the moment. Tinylinks +++++++++ ``/api/tinylinks/`` The API allows you to retrievce, create, delete and update your tinylinks. Creating and modifying tinylinks requires authentication and a valid csrf token. DEFINITION: GET{TINYLINK_ID}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl{TINYLINK_ID}/ DEFINITION: POST EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl -X POST -u user:pass -d "long_url=" DEFINITION: PUT{TINYLINK_ID}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl -X PUT{TINYLINK_ID}/ -u user:pass -d "long_url=" DEFINITION: PATCH{TINYLINK_ID}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl -X PATCH{TINYLINK_ID}/ -u user:pass -d "short_url=g" DEFINITION: DELETE{TINYLINK_ID}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl{TINYLINK_ID}/ -u user:pass Users +++++ ``/api/users/`` This resource exposes information about users. DEFINITION: GET{USER_ID}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl{USER_ID}/ Database statistics +++++++++++++++++++ ``/api/db-stats/`` Retrieve general information about the links stored in the database. Offers a simple way to acces the total number of links and the total number of clicks. DEFINITION: GET EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl Statistics ++++++++++ ``/api/stats/`` Retrieve a list of statistics for every tinylinks object in the database. Query Paramanters: * paginate_by * page DEFINITION: GET EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl Tinylink statistics +++++++++++++++++++ ``/api/url-stats/`` Retrieve statistics for individual tinylink objects. Query Parameters: * short_url DEFINITION: GET{SHORT_URL}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl{SHORT_URL}/ Expanding tinylinks +++++++++++++++++++ ``/api/expand/`` Expand the short link into the long link. Query Parameters: * short_url DEFINITION: GET{SHORT_URL}/ EXAMPLE REQUEST: curl{SHORT_URL}/ Contribute ---------- If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps:: # Fork this repository # Clone your fork $ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-tinylinks $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ ./tinylinks/tests/ # You should get no failing tests $ git co -b feature_branch master # Implement your feature and tests $ ./tinylinks/tests/ # You should still get no failing tests # Describe your change in the CHANGELOG.txt $ git add . && git commit $ git push origin feature_branch # Send us a pull request for your feature branch Whenever you run the tests a coverage output will be generated in ``tests/coverage/index.html``. When adding new features, please make sure that you keep the coverage at 100%. If you are making changes that need to be tested in a browser (i.e. to the CSS or JS files), you might want to setup a Django project, follow the installation insttructions above, then run ``python develop``. This will just place an egg-link to your cloned fork in your project's virtualenv. Roadmap ------- Check the issue tracker on github for milestones and features to come.


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django, shortener, shorter, url, urlshortener, urlshorter

Short URLs

Default Version


'latest' Version
