

The ``ansicolortags`` module provides efficient and useful functions to use colours in a terminal application with Python 2 and 3, with a *HTML-tag* like style : ``<red>text<white>`` will print ``text`` in red. All ANSI colors code are defined with this tag-like style. **This point is the main interest of this module,** because all others modules define function to print with some colours. `The complete documentation can be found here : <>`_ `<>`_ ! Colours ======= Foregrounds ----------- You can choose one of the 8 basic ANSI colours: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white. The names beginning with a *lowerscript* design **foreground** colours. For example: :: from ansicolortags import printc printc('<reset>This is default. <red>This is red<yellow> and yellow in foreground now<reset>'). Backgrounds ----------- You can choose one of the 8 basic ANSI colours: Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White. The names beginning with a *upperscript* design **background** colors. For example: :: from ansicolortags import printc ansicolortags.printc('<Default>this is default. <Blue>this have a blue background<Black> and black in background now<reset>'). Other tags ---------- The following tags are also available: - ``b``, ``B`` : to turn on and off the *bold* mode, - ``u``, ``U`` : to turn on and off the *underline* mode, - ``neg``, ``Neg`` : to turn on and off the *reverse video* mode, - ``blink``, ``Blink`` : to turn on and off the *blink* mode, - ``el`` : to erase the current line, - ``bell`` : to make the terminal ring. Shortcuts --------- Some macros are also provided, like the tags ``<ERROR>``, ``<INFO>`` or ``<WARNING>``. And also ``<warning>`` and ``<question>``, which respectively give a colored ``!`` and ``?``. The ``reset`` tag is a special tag to reinitialize all previously changed parameters. Writing to a file ? ------------------- This is possible with the ``writec`` function. For example: :: import sys from ansicolortags import writec writec('<ERROR><u><red>The computer is going to explode!<reset>', fn=sys.stderr) # sys.stderr.flush() # this is useless : writec flush itself. Auto detection ============== Of course, the colors are disabled if the output does not support them. It works perfectly on any GNU/Linux (tested with Ubuntu 10+, Debian, Arch Linux) and Windows (with or without Cygwin), and should work fine one MAC OS X or on other UNIX-like. Other features ============== Other functions --------------- There is also the ``xtitle()`` function, to change the title of the terminal. This try to use the command-line tool ``xtitle``, and if it fails it tries to use an *ANSI code* to change the title. There is also a ``notify()`` function to display a system notification (using the command-line tool ``notify-send``). Script ------ ```` is also a script. You can have his description (or use it) directly with: :: python -m ansicolortags --help For testing ~~~~~~~~~~~ ```` can be used to run some tests (with the ``--test`` option). With GNU/Bash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ```` can be used to generate a GNU/Bash color profile (with the ``--generate --file`` options). `See here for this file <>`_ This ``sh`` file can be imported with ``$ .`` in any GNU/Bash scripts, or even in your ``~/.bashrc`` file. License ? ========= This module is licensed under the term of the **MIT License**, see the file *LICENSE* for more details.


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