
Here is a really quick example to get you started (it will all be explained afterwards):

>>> import pureodm
>>> import pymongo

>>> class User(pureodm.Model):
    fields = {
        'username': {
            'type': unicode,
            'required': True
        'password': {
            'type': unicode,
            'required': True
        'comments: {
            'type': [unicode]

>>> connection = pymongo.Connection(host='localhost', port=27017)
>>> database = connection['test']
>>> user = User(username='stinky')

>>> from hashlib import sha512
>>> user.password = unicode(sha512('some-password').hexdigest())

>>> user.save_to(database['users'])

>>> existing_user = User.find_one_in(database['users'], {'username': 'enid'})
>>> print existing_user.comments[0]
'...we never really knew each other, anyways.'

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