Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011-2012 Thomas Chiroux
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.
# If not, see <>
# This module is part of dipplanner, a Dive planning Tool written in python
"""tools modules

This modules contains some utility functions like unit conversions, etc...

__authors__ = [
    # alphabetical order by last name
    'Thomas Chiroux', ]

import math
import re

# local imports
from dipplanner import settings

[docs]def safe_eval_calculator(text_to_eval): """Small an safe eval function usable only for simple calculation (only the basic operators) *Keyword Arguments:* :text_to_eval: (str) -- the text (formula) that should be evaluated *Returns:* float -- the result of the calculation. *Raise:* ValueError: when given expression is not constitued of only numbers and operators SyntaxError: when the given expression is incorrect """ text_to_eval = "%s" % text_to_eval expr = "^([0-9]|\+|\*|\/|\-|\.|\ )+$" re_result = re.match(expr, text_to_eval) if re_result is None: raise ValueError("Only numbers and simple operators (*+-/) " "are allowed") else: return eval(, {'__builtins__': None}, {})
[docs]def seconds_to_mmss(seconds): """Convert a value in seconds into a string representing the time in minutes and seconds (like 2:06) It does returns only minutes and seconds, not hours, minutes and seconds *Keyword Arguments:* :seconds: (float) -- the duration in seconds *Returns:* str -- the time in minutes and seconds ex: " 23:45" "112:33" ... *Raise:* ValueError: when bad time values """ if seconds < 0: raise ValueError("time can not be negative") text = "%3d:%02d" % (int(seconds / 60), int(seconds % 60)) return text
[docs]def seconds_to_hhmmss(seconds): """Convert a value in seconds into a string representing the time in hour:minutes and seconds like 22:34:44 *Keyword Arguments:* :seconds: (float) -- the duration in seconds *Returns:* str -- the time in hour - minutes and seconds ex: "00:23:45" "01:52:33" *Raise:* ValueError: when bad time values is given """ if seconds < 0: raise ValueError("time can not be negative") hours = seconds // (60 * 60) seconds %= (60 * 60) minutes = seconds // 60 seconds %= 60 return "%02i:%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]def altitude_or_depth_to_absolute_pressure(altitude_or_depth): """output absolute pressure for give "depth" in meter. * If depth is positive it's considered altitude depth * If depth is negative it's considered depth in water *Keyword Arguments:* :altitude_or_depth: (float (signed)) -- in meter *Returns:* float -- resulting absolute pressure in bar *Raise:* ValueError if altitude > 10000m """ if altitude_or_depth < 0: return depth_to_pressure(-altitude_or_depth) + \ settings.AMBIANT_PRESSURE_SURFACE else: return altitude_to_pressure(altitude_or_depth)
[docs]def altitude_to_pressure(altitude): """Convert a given altitude in pressure in bar uses the formula: p = 101325.(1-2.25577.10^-5.h)^5.25588 *Keyword Arguments:* :altitude: (float) -- current altitude in meter *Returns:* float -- resulting pressure in bar *Raise:* ValueError: when bad altitude is given (bad or <0 or > 10000 m) """ if altitude < 0: raise ValueError("altitude can not be negative") if altitude > 10000: raise ValueError("altitude can not higher than 10000m") return math.pow(1 - 2.25577 * math.pow(10, -5) * altitude, 5.25588) * \ settings.AMBIANT_PRESSURE_SEA_LEVEL
[docs]def depth_to_pressure(depth, method=settings.METHOD_FOR_DEPTH_CALCULATION): """Calculates depth pressure based on depth using a more complex method than only /10 *Keyword Arguments:* :depth: (float) -- in meter *Returns:* float -- depth pressure in bar *Raise:* <nothing> """ if method == 'complex': g = 9.81 return settings.WATER_DENSITY * 1E3 * g * float(depth) * 1E-5 else: return float(depth) / 10
[docs]def pressure_to_depth(pressure, method=settings.METHOD_FOR_DEPTH_CALCULATION): """Calculates depth based on give pressure using a more complex method than only x10 *Keyword Arguments:* :pressure: (float) -- pressure in bar *Returns:* float -- depth in meter *Raise:* <nothing> """ if method == 'complex': g = 9.81 return float(pressure) / (settings.WATER_DENSITY * 1E3 * g * 1E-5) else: return float(pressure) * 10
[docs]def calculate_pp_h2o_surf(temperature=20): """Calculates and return vapor pressure of water at surface using Antoine equation ( *Keyword Arguments:* :temperature: (float) [OPTIONNAL] -- in ° Celcius *Returns:* float -- ppH2O in bar *Raise:* ValueError -- when temperature exceed maximum value for calculation (>=374 °C) """ mm_hg_to_bar = 1.0 / 750.0615 if temperature < 1: temperature = 1 if temperature >= 1 and temperature <= 100: const_a = 8.07131 const_b = 1730.63 const_c = 233.426 elif temperature > 100 and temperature < 374: const_a = 8.14019 const_b = 1810.94 const_c = 244.485 else: raise ValueError("Temperature is too High") pressure_mm_hg = 10 ** (const_a - (const_b / (const_c + float(temperature)))) return pressure_mm_hg * mm_hg_to_bar
[docs]def convert_bar_to_psi(value): """SI --> imperial pressure conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- pressure in bar *Returns:* float -- pressure in psi *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) * 14.5037744
[docs]def convert_psi_to_bar(value): """imperial --> SI pressure conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- pressure in psi *Returns:* float -- pressure in bar *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) / 14.5037744
[docs]def convert_liter_to_cubicfeet(value): """SI --> imperial volume conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- volume in liter *Returns:* float -- volume in cubicfeet *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) / (math.pow(0.3048, 3) * 1000)
[docs]def convert_cubicfeet_to_liter(value): """imperial --> SI volume conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- volume in cubicfeet *Returns:* float -- volume in liter *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) * (math.pow(0.3048, 3) * 1000)
[docs]def convert_meter_to_feet(value): """SI --> imperial distance conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- volume in cubicfeet *Returns:* float -- volume in liter *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) / 0.3048
[docs]def convert_feet_to_meter(value): """imperial --> SI distance conversion function *Keyword Arguments:* :value: (float) -- volume in cubicfeet *Returns:* float -- volume in liter *Raise:* <nothing> """ return float(value) * 0.3048

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