Source code for dipplanner.dive

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011-2012 Thomas Chiroux
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.
# If not, see <>
# This module is part of dipplanner, a Dive planning Tool written in python
"""dive class module

Each Dive represent one dive (and only one)
For successive dives, it is possible to provide the parameters of the
previous dive in order to calculate the next one.

__authors__ = [
    # alphabetical order by last name
    'Thomas Chiroux', ]

import logging
import copy
import json
# dependencies imports
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

# local imports
from dipplanner import settings
from dipplanner.dipp_exception import DipplannerException
from dipplanner.model.buhlmann.model_exceptions import ModelException
from dipplanner.model.buhlmann.model_exceptions import ModelStateException
from dipplanner.tank import InvalidGas, InvalidTank, InvalidMod, EmptyTank
from dipplanner.tank import Tank
from dipplanner.segment import UnauthorizedMod
from dipplanner.segment import (Segment, SegmentDive,
                                SegmentDeco, SegmentAscDesc)
from dipplanner.model.buhlmann.model import Model as BuhlmannModel

from import depth_to_pressure
from import seconds_to_mmss
from import seconds_to_hhmmss
from import altitude_or_depth_to_absolute_pressure
from import safe_eval_calculator

[docs]class NothingToProcess(DipplannerException): """raised when the is no input segments to process """
[docs] def __init__(self, description=""): """constructor : call the upper constructor and set the logger *Keyword Arguments:* :description: (str) -- text describing the error *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ DipplannerException.__init__(self, description) self.logger = logging.getLogger( "dipplanner.dipp_exception.NothingToProcess") self.logger.error( "Raising an exception: NothingToProcess ! (%s)" % description)
[docs]class InstanciationError(DipplannerException): """raised when the Dive constructor encounters a problem. In this case, it can not continue """
[docs] def __init__(self, description=""): """constructor : call the upper constructor and set the logger *Keyword Arguments:* :description: (str) -- text describing the error *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ DipplannerException.__init__(self, description) self.logger = logging.getLogger( "dipplanner.dipp_exception.InstanciationError") self.logger.error( "Raising an exception: InstanciationError ! (%s)" % description)
[docs]class ProcessingError(DipplannerException): """raised when the is no input segments to process """
[docs] def __init__(self, description=""): """constructor : call the upper constructor and set the logger *Keyword Arguments:* :description: (str) -- text describing the error *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ DipplannerException.__init__(self, description) self.logger = logging.getLogger( "dipplanner.dipp_exception.ProcessingError") self.logger.error( "Raising an exception: ProcessingError ! (%s)" % description)
[docs]class InfiniteDeco(DipplannerException): """raised when the deco time becomes enourmous (like infinite) """
[docs] def __init__(self, description=""): """constructor : call the upper constructor and set the logger *Keyword Arguments:* :description: (str) -- text describing the error *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ DipplannerException.__init__(self, description) self.logger = logging.getLogger( "dipplanner.dipp_exception.InfiniteDeco") self.logger.error( "Raising an exception: InfiniteDeco ! (%s)" % description)
[docs]class Dive(object): """Conducts dive based on inputSegments, knownGases, and an existing model. Iterates through dive segments updating the Model. When all dive segments are processed then calls ascend(0.0) to return to the surface. The previous_profile (Model) can be either null in which case a new model is created, or can be an existing model with tissue loadings. Gas switching is done on the final ascent if OC deco or bailout is specified. Outputs profile to a List of dive segments Attributes: * mission -- (Mission) Mission object the dive belongs to * name -- (str) name of the dive * input_segments -- (list) Stores enabled input dive segment objects * output_segments -- (list) Stores output segments produced by this class * tanks -- (list) Stores enabled dive tank objects * current_tank -- current tank object * current_depth -- current dive depth * current_f_he -- current gas fraction of He * current_f_n2 -- current gas fraction of N2 * current_f_o2 -- current gas fraction of O2 * model -- model used for this dive * run_time -- runTime * pp_o2 -- CCR ppO2, if OC : 0.0 * is_closed_circuit -- Flag to store CC or OC * in_final_ascent -- flag for final ascent * is_repetitive_dive -- Flag for repetitive dives * surface_interval -- for surf. int. in seconds * no_flight_time_value -- calculated no flight time * metadata -- description for the dive """
[docs] def __init__(self, mission, known_segments=None, known_tanks=None, previous_profile=None): """Constructor for Profile class For fist dive, instanciate the profile class with no model (profile will create one for you) For repetative dives, instanciate profile class with the previous model *Keyword Arguments:* :mission: (Mission) -- mission object the dive belongs to :known_segments: -- list of input segments :known_tanks: -- list of tanks for this dive :previous_profile: (Model) -- model object of the precedent dive Return: <nothing> .. note:: the constructor should not fail. If something if wrong, it MUST still instantiate itself, with errors in his own object """ #initiate class logger self.logger = logging.getLogger("dipplanner.dive.Dive") self.logger.debug("creating an instance of Dive") self.mission = mission = "" # initiate dive exception list self.dive_exceptions = [] self.is_repetitive_dive = False if previous_profile is None: # new dive : new model self.is_repetitive_dive = False try: self.model = BuhlmannModel() # buhlman model by default except Exception: self.dive_exceptions.append( InstanciationError("Unable to instanciate model")) self.metadata = "" else: self.set_repetitive(previous_profile) # filter input segment for only enabled segments self.input_segments = [] if known_segments is not None: try: for segment in known_segments: if segment.in_use: self.input_segments.append(segment) except: self.dive_exceptions.append( InstanciationError("Problem while adding segments")) # filter lists of gases to make the used list of gases self.tanks = [] if known_tanks is not None: try: for tank in known_tanks: if tank.in_use: self.tanks.append(tank) except: self.dive_exceptions.append( InstanciationError("Problem while adding tanks")) # initalise output_segment list self.output_segments = [] # other initialisations self.surface_interval = 0 self.no_flight_time_value = None self.is_closed_circuit = False # OC by default self.pp_o2 = 0.0 # OC by default self.current_tank = None self.current_depth = 0.0 self.in_final_ascent = False self.run_time = 0 # in second self.metadata = ""
def __repr__(self): """Returns a string representing the result of the dive using default template *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* str -- a string with the result of the calculation of the dives using the default template *Raise:* <nothing> """ return self.output("default.tpl")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a human readable name of the segment *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* str -- a string with the result of the calculation of the dives using the default template *Raise:* <nothing> """ return self.__repr__()
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """Return a human readable name of the segment in unicode *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* ustr -- an unicode string with the result of the calculation of the dives using the default template *Raise:* <nothing> """ return u"%s" % self.__repr__()
[docs] def __cmp__(self, otherdive): """Compare a dive to another dive, based on run_time *Keyword arguments:* :otherdive: (Dive) -- another dive object *Returns:* Integer -- result of cmp() *Raise:* <nothing> """ return cmp(self.run_time, otherdive.run_time)
[docs] def add_input_segment(self, segment_or_segmentlist): """add a Segment or a list of Segments to the Dive's input_segments list. They will be added at the end of the list *Keyword Arguments:* :segment_or_segmentlist: -- either a Segment object or a list of Segment objects Return: <nothing> Raise: TypeError: if segment_or_segmentlist contains another type than Segment\* """ if type(segment_or_segmentlist) in (Segment, SegmentDive, SegmentDeco, SegmentAscDesc): segment_or_segmentlist.dive = self self.input_segments.append(segment_or_segmentlist) elif type(segment_or_segmentlist) == list: for segment in segment_or_segmentlist: if type(segment) in (Segment, SegmentDive, SegmentDeco, SegmentAscDesc): segment.dive = self self.input_segments.append(segment) else: raise TypeError("Bad Dive Type: %s " % type(segment)) else: raise TypeError("Bad Dive Type: %s" % type(segment_or_segmentlist))
[docs] def dumps_dict(self): """dumps the Dive object in dict format for later json conversion *Keyword arguments:* <none> *Returns:* string -- dict dumps of Dive object *Raise:* TypeError : if Mission is not serialisable """ current_tank_name = "" if self.current_tank is not None: current_tank_name = dive_dict = {'name':, 'input_segments': [seg.dumps_dict() for seg in self.input_segments], 'output_segments': [seg.dumps_dict() for seg in self.output_segments], 'tanks': ','.join([ for tank in self.tanks]), 'current_tank': current_tank_name, 'current_depth': self.current_depth, 'model': self.model.deco_model, 'run_time': self.run_time, 'pp_o2': self.pp_o2, 'is_closed_circuit': self.is_closed_circuit, 'in_final_ascent': self.in_final_ascent, 'is_repetitive_dive': self.is_repetitive_dive, 'surface_interval': self.surface_interval, 'no_flight_time_value': self.no_flight_time_value, 'metadata': self.metadata} return dive_dict
[docs] def loads_json(self, input_json): """loads a json structure and update the tank object with the new values. This method can be used in http PUT method to update object value TODO: do something with automatic_tank_refill: global or local (dive) parameter ? *Keyword arguments:* :input_json: (string) -- the json structure to be loaded *Returns:* <none> *Raise:* * ValueError : if json is not loadable """ if type(input_json) == str: dive_dict = json.loads(input_json) elif type(input_json) == dict: dive_dict = input_json else: raise TypeError("json must be either str or dict (%s given" % type(input_json)) if 'name' in dive_dict: = dive_dict['name'] if 'current_tank' in dive_dict: # this should be a tank name if type(dive_dict['current_tank']) == str: if dive_dict['current_tank'].strip() in self.mission.tanks: self.current_tank = \ self.mission.tanks[dive_dict['current_tank']] else: self.logger.error("Tank not found in mission's" " tank list: %s" % dive_dict['current_tank']) #DONE: check if it's ok to reinstanciate a new tank #self.current_tank = Tank().loads_json(dive_dict['current_tank']) if 'current_depth' in dive_dict: self.current_depth = float(dive_dict['current_depth']) if 'run_time' in dive_dict: self.run_time = float(dive_dict['run_time']) if 'is_closed_circuit' in dive_dict: self.is_closed_circuit = bool(dive_dict['is_closed_circuit']) if 'is_repetitive_dive' in dive_dict: self.is_repetitive_dive = bool(dive_dict['is_repetitive_dive']) if 'surface_interval' in dive_dict: self.surface_interval = float(safe_eval_calculator( dive_dict['surface_interval'])) if 'metadata' in dive_dict: self.metadata = dive_dict['metadata'] if 'tanks' in dive_dict: used_tanks_dict = {} for tank_name in dive_dict['tanks'].split(','): tank_name = tank_name.strip() if tank_name in self.mission.tanks: used_tanks_dict[tank_name] = self.mission.tanks[tank_name] else: self.logger.error("Trying to use an undeclared tank: %s", tank_name) self.tanks = used_tanks_dict.values() else: self.logger.warning("No tank listed for this dive: %s", if 'input_segments' in dive_dict: temp_segments = [] for dict_segment in dive_dict['input_segments']: temp_segments.append(SegmentDive().loads_json(dict_segment)) self.input_segments = temp_segments return self
[docs] def set_repetitive(self, previous_dive): """Make this dive a repetitive dive by cloning the previous model history into the current dive *Keyword Arguments:* :previous_dive: (Dive) -- previous dive profile *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ self.model = copy.deepcopy(previous_dive.model) self.is_repetitive_dive = True try: self.model.init_gradient() except Exception: self.dive_exceptions.append( InstanciationError("Unable to reset model gradients"))
[docs] def output(self, template=None): """Returns the dive profile calculated, using the template given in settings or command lines. (and not only the default template) *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* str -- a string with the result of the calculation of the dives using the choosen template *Raise:* <nothing> """ env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('dipplanner', 'templates')) if template is None: tpl = env.get_template(settings.TEMPLATE) else: tpl = env.get_template(template) text = tpl.render(settings=settings, mission=self.mission) # TOFIX: Attention ceci ne marche pas bien: on renvoie la missio plutot qu'une Dive simple return text
[docs] def do_surface_interval(self, time=None): """Conducts a surface interval by performing a constant depth calculation on air at zero meters *Keyword Arguments:* :time: (int) -- duration of the interval, in seconds if not provided, uses the surface_interval defined in this dive *Returns:* <nothing> *Raise:* <Exceptions from model> """ if time is None: time = self.surface_interval try: self.model.const_depth(pressure=0.0, seg_time=time, f_he=0.0, f_n2=0.79, pp_o2=0.0) except Exception: self.dive_exceptions.append( ModelException("Unable to do surface interval")) else: self.logger.debug("Calculating surface interval of %s s" % time) self.surface_interval = time if settings.AUTOMATIC_TANK_REFILL: self.refill_tanks()
[docs] def get_surface_interval(self): """Returns surface interval in mm:ss format *Keyword Arguments:* <nothing> *Returns:* str -- surface interval time in mmm:ss format *Raise:* <nothing> """ return seconds_to_mmss(self.surface_interval)
[docs] def refill_tanks(self): """refile all tanks defined in this dive it is used for repetitive dives *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Returns:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ for tank in self.tanks: tank.refill()
[docs] def is_dive_segments(self): """Returns true if there are loaded dive segments else false means there is nothing to process *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Returns:* True (bool) -- if there is at least one input dive segment to process False (bool) -- if there is no dive segment to process *Raise:* <nothing> """ if len(self.input_segments) > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def do_dive_without_exceptions(self): """Call do_dive, and handle exceptions internally : do not raise any "dive related" exception : add the exception inside self.dive_exceptions instead. *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* <nothing> """ try: self.do_dive() except ModelStateException as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except ModelException as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except UnauthorizedMod as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except EmptyTank as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidGas as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidTank as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidMod as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except ProcessingError as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except NothingToProcess as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InstanciationError as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InfiniteDeco as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except Exception as exc: # unknown generic exception self.dive_exceptions.append( DipplannerException("Unknown exception occured: %s (%s)" % (exc.__repr__(), exc.message)))
[docs] def do_dive(self): """Process the dive *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Return:* <nothing> *Raise:* NothingToProcess -- if there is no input segment to process or <Exceptions from model> """ if self.is_dive_segments() is False: raise NothingToProcess # check the segments: for seg in self.input_segments: seg.check() run_time_flag = settings.RUN_TIME # sets initial state # #else: first_segment = self.input_segments[0] self.current_tank = first_segment.tank # Sort self.tanks based on MOD ? why ? see below ? self.tanks.sort() self.current_depth = 0.0 self.pp_o2 = first_segment.setpoint if self.pp_o2 == 0.0: self.is_closed_circuit = False else: self.is_closed_circuit = True self.in_final_ascent = False # check if tank for 1rst segment is suitable for descent (OC mode) if not self.is_closed_circuit: if self.input_segments[0].tank.get_min_od() > 0: # tank is not ok, we need to look for another better tank # at first, try to find a tank suitable # from 0m to depth of first segment self.logger.debug("bottom gaz not ok for descent") self.tanks.reverse() for tank in self.tanks: if tank.get_min_od() == 0: self.logger.debug("This tank may be suitable:%s, " "mod:%s, end at d:%s" % (str(tank), tank.mod, tank.get_end_for_given_depth( self.input_segments[0].depth))) if tank.mod >= self.input_segments[0].depth and\ tank.get_end_for_given_depth( self.input_segments[0].depth) < \ settings.DEFAULT_MAX_END: # ok we have a winner"Changed tank for " "descent to:%s" % str(tank)) self.current_tank = tank break if self.current_tank == self.input_segments[0].tank: # not found : we need to stop in the descent # to switch from first gas # to bottom gas self.logger.debug("No directly usage tank found," " try to stop and change tank") for tank in self.tanks: if tank.get_min_od() == 0: self.logger.debug( "This tank may be suitable:%s, " "mod:%s, end at d:%s" % (str(tank), tank.mod, tank.get_end_for_given_depth( self.input_segments[0].depth))) if settings.TRAVEL_SWITCH == 'late': depth = min( tank.mod, tank.get_mod_for_given_end( settings.DEFAULT_MAX_END)) self.input_segments.insert( 0, SegmentDive( depth=depth, tank=self.input_segments[0].tank, time=0)) self.input_segments.insert( 0, SegmentDive( depth=depth, tank=tank, time=0)) self.current_tank = tank break else: # early depth = self.input_segments[0].tank.get_min_od( min_ppo2=settings.DEFAULT_MIN_PPO2) self.input_segments.insert( 0, SegmentDive( depth=depth, tank=self.input_segments[0].tank, time=0)) self.input_segments.insert( 0, SegmentDive( depth=depth, tank=tank, time=0)) self.current_tank = tank break self.tanks.sort() for seg in self.input_segments: if seg.type == 'const': # only dive segment allowed for input delta_depth = float(seg.depth) - float(self.current_depth) # Ascend or descend to dive segment, # using existing gas and ppO2 settings if delta_depth > 0.0: # descent self.model.asc_desc(depth_to_pressure(self.current_depth), depth_to_pressure(seg.depth), settings.DESCENT_RATE, self.current_tank.f_he, self.current_tank.f_n2, self.pp_o2) self.output_segments.append( SegmentAscDesc(self.current_depth, seg.depth, settings.DESCENT_RATE, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2)) self.run_time += (float(delta_depth) / float(settings.DESCENT_RATE)) self.logger.debug("descent time : %ss" % (float(delta_depth) / settings.DESCENT_RATE)) else: # ascent # call ascend method of this class # for decompression calculation self.ascend(seg.depth) # we are now at the desired depth : process the dive segment self.current_depth = seg.depth # new depth self.pp_o2 = seg.setpoint self.current_tank = seg.tank if seg.time > 0: # only do this if it's not a waypoint if run_time_flag: run_time_flag = False # do this one only self.model.const_depth(depth_to_pressure(seg.depth), seg.time - self.run_time, self.current_tank.f_he, self.current_tank.f_n2, self.pp_o2) self.output_segments.append( SegmentDive(seg.depth, seg.time - self.run_time, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2)) self.metadata += "Dive to %s for %ss\n" % \ (seg.depth, seg.time - self.run_time) self.logger.debug("Dive to %s for %ss" % (seg.depth, seg.time - self.run_time)) # run_time = seg_time because it's # only done the first time self.run_time = seg.time self.logger.debug( "update run time : %ss" % self.run_time) else: self.model.const_depth(depth_to_pressure(seg.depth), seg.time, self.current_tank.f_he, self.current_tank.f_n2, self.pp_o2) self.output_segments.append( SegmentDive(seg.depth, seg.time, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2)) self.metadata += "Dive to %s for %ss\n" % \ (seg.depth, seg.time) self.logger.debug("Dive to %s for %ss" % (seg.depth, seg.time)) self.run_time += seg.time self.logger.debug("update run time : %ss" % self.run_time) else: # process waypoint self.output_segments.append( SegmentDive(seg.depth, seg.time, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2)) # all input segment are now processed: process to ascend to the surface self.in_final_ascent = True # ascend to the surface self.ascend(0.0) # for each output segment, recalculate runtime and update segments total_time = 0 for output_seg in self.output_segments: total_time += output_seg.time output_seg.run_time = total_time if total_time != self.run_time: self.logger.warning("dive run_time (%ss) differs from" " all segments time (%ss)" % (self.run_time, total_time)) # write metadata into the model self.model.metadata = self.metadata # recalculate the gas consumptions self.do_gas_calcs() # save the tanks parameters : next dives may use the same tanks, # but we need here to duplicate tank object within this dive in # order to save the tank parameters for this dive only saved_tanks = [] for tank in self.tanks: saved_tanks.append(copy.deepcopy(tank)) self.tanks = saved_tanks
[docs] def get_no_flight_hhmmss(self): """Returns no flight time (if calculated) in hhmmss format instead of an int in seconds .. note:: This method does not calculate no_flight_time you need to call no_flight_time() or no_flight_time_wo_exception() before. *Keyword Arguments:* <none> Returns: str -- "hh:mm:ss" no flight time str -- "" if no flight time is not calculated """ if self.no_flight_time_value is not None: return seconds_to_hhmmss(self.no_flight_time_value) else: return ""
[docs] def no_flight_time_wo_exception(self, altitude=settings.FLIGHT_ALTITUDE, tank=None): """Call no_flight_time, and handle exceptions internally: do not raise any "dive related" exception: add the exception inside self.dive_exceptions instead. *Keyword Arguments:* :altitude: (int) -- in meter : altitude used for the calculation :flight_ascent_rate: (float) -- in m/s :tank: (Tank) -- optionnal: it is possible to provide a tank while calling no_flight_time to force "no flight deco" with another mix than air. In this case, we will 'consume' the tank When the tank is empty, it automatically switch to air *Returns:* int -- no fight time in seconds *Raise:* <nothing> """ try: result = self.no_flight_time(altitude, tank) except ModelStateException as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except ModelException as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except UnauthorizedMod as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except EmptyTank as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidGas as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidTank as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InvalidMod as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except ProcessingError as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except NothingToProcess as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InstanciationError as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except InfiniteDeco as exc: self.dive_exceptions.append(exc) except Exception as exc: # unknown generic exception self.dive_exceptions.append( DipplannerException("Unknown exception occured: %s (%s)" % (exc.__repr__(), exc.message))) else: return result
[docs] def no_flight_time(self, altitude=settings.FLIGHT_ALTITUDE, tank=None): """Evaluate the no flight time by 'ascending' to the choosen flight altitude. Ascending will generate the necessary 'stop' at the current depth (which is 0m). The stop time represents the no flight time *Keyword Arguments:* :altitude: (int) -- in meter : altitude used for the calculation :flight_ascent_rate: (float) -- in m/s :tank: (Tank) -- optionnal: it is possible to provide a tank while calling no_flight_time to force "no flight deco" with another mix than air. In this case, we will 'consume' the tank When the tank is empty, it automatically switch to air *Returns:* int -- no fight time in seconds *Raise:* InfiniteDeco - if the no flight time can not achieve enough decompression to be able to go to give altitude """ self.logger.debug("Calculating No flight time") no_flight_time = 0 deco_uses_tank = False # set to true when deco is using a tank # need to change gaz to air: # create a 'dummy' air tank no_flight_air_tank = Tank( volume=settings.ABSOLUTE_MAX_TANK_SIZE, pressure=settings.ABSOLUTE_MAX_TANK_PRESSURE, rule="30b") if tank is not None: no_flight_tank = tank deco_uses_tank = True"Accelerating no flight" "time using a tank:%s" % tank) else: no_flight_tank = no_flight_air_tank next_stop_pressure = altitude_or_depth_to_absolute_pressure(altitude) # bigger stop time to speed up calculation # (precision is not necesary here) stop_time = 60 # in second - model_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.model) model_ceiling = model_copy.ceiling_in_pabs() while model_ceiling > next_stop_pressure: # loop for "deco" # calculation based # on the new ceiling model_copy.const_depth(0.0, stop_time, no_flight_tank.f_he, # f_he no_flight_tank.f_n2, # f_n2 0.0) # ppo2 (for cc) no_flight_time += stop_time model_ceiling = model_copy.ceiling_in_pabs() if deco_uses_tank: if no_flight_tank.remaining_gas <= 0: no_flight_tank = no_flight_air_tank deco_uses_tank = False"Tank used for accelerating " "no flight time is empty, " "swithing to air at %s s" % no_flight_time) else: no_flight_tank.consume_gas( settings.DECO_CONSUMPTION_RATE * stop_time) if no_flight_time > 300000: raise InfiniteDeco("Infinite deco error") self.no_flight_time_value = no_flight_time return no_flight_time
[docs] def ascend(self, target_depth): """Ascend to target depth, decompressing if necessary. If inFinalAscent then gradient factors start changing, and automatic gas selection is made. This method is called by do_dive() *Keyword Arguments:* :target_depth: (float) -- in meter, target depth for the ascend Returns: <nothing> Raise: <Exceptions from model> """ force_deco_stop = False in_deco_cycle = False deco_stop_time = 0 if self.in_final_ascent and settings.USE_OC_DECO: self.set_deco_gas(self.current_depth) if self.current_depth < target_depth: # going backwards ! raise ProcessingError("Not allowed to ascend while descending !") # Set initial stop to be the next integral stop depth if self.current_depth % settings.STOP_DEPTH_INCREMENT > 0: # we are not on a stop depth already : go to the next stop depth # TODO : int() or round() ? next_stop_depth = int(float(self.current_depth) / float(settings.STOP_DEPTH_INCREMENT)) *\ settings.STOP_DEPTH_INCREMENT else: next_stop_depth = int(self.current_depth - settings.STOP_DEPTH_INCREMENT) self.logger.debug("next_stop_depth: %s" % next_stop_depth) # hack in case we are overshooting or hit last stop or any of # the other bizzar combinations ... if next_stop_depth < target_depth or \ self.current_depth < settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: next_stop_depth = target_depth elif next_stop_depth == settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: self.logger.warning("next_stop_depth==LAST_STOP_DEPTH !") next_stop_depth = target_depth # TODO: bizarre... elif next_stop_depth < settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: next_stop_depth = settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH start_depth = self.current_depth # Initialise ascent # segment start depth in_ascent_cycle = True # Start in free ascent # Initialise gradient factor for next (in this case first) stop depth self.model.gradient.set_gf_at_depth(next_stop_depth) # Remember maxM-Value and controlling compartment max_mv = self.model.m_value(depth_to_pressure(self.current_depth)) control = self.model.control_compartment() while self.current_depth > target_depth: self.logger.debug("ascent -- debug : %s, %s" % (self.current_depth, target_depth)) # can we move to the proposed next stop depth ? model_ceiling = self.model.ceiling() self.logger.debug("model ceiling: %s" % model_ceiling) while force_deco_stop or next_stop_depth < model_ceiling: in_deco_cycle = True force_deco_stop = False # Only used for first entry # into deco stop if in_ascent_cycle: # Finalise last ascent cycle # as we are now decomp if start_depth > self.current_depth: # add ascent segment #self.logger.debug("Add AscDesc(1): start_depth:%s, \ # current_depth:%s" % \ # (start_depth, self.current_depth)) self.output_segments.append( SegmentAscDesc(start_depth, self.current_depth, settings.ASCENT_RATE, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2)) in_ascent_cycle = False # TODO: start depth is not re-initialised after first use # set m-value gradient under the following conditions: # - if not in multilevel mode, then set it as soon as # we do a decompression cycle # - otherwise wait until we are finally # surfacing before setting it if (not settings.MULTILEVEL_MODE or self.in_final_ascent) and \ (not self.model.gradient.gf_set): #self.logger.debug("...set m-value gradient") self.model.gradient.set_gf_slope_at_depth( self.current_depth) self.model.gradient.set_gf_at_depth(next_stop_depth) #calculate stop_time if deco_stop_time == 0 and \ self.run_time % settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT > 0: stop_time = int(self.run_time / settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT) * \ settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT + \ settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT - \ self.run_time if stop_time == 0: stop_time = settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT # in second else: stop_time = settings.STOP_TIME_INCREMENT # in second # execute the stop self.model.const_depth(depth_to_pressure(self.current_depth), stop_time, self.current_tank.f_he, self.current_tank.f_n2, self.pp_o2) deco_stop_time += stop_time # sanity check for infinite loop if deco_stop_time > 300000: raise InfiniteDeco("Infinite deco error") model_ceiling = self.model.ceiling() # finished decompression loop if in_deco_cycle: self.logger.debug(" deco cycle") # finalise the last deco cycle self.run_time += deco_stop_time self.logger.debug("update run time : %ss" % self.run_time) if settings.FORCE_ALL_STOPS: force_deco_stop = True # write deco segment deco_segment = SegmentDeco(self.current_depth, deco_stop_time, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2) deco_segment.mv_max = max_mv deco_segment.gf_used = deco_segment.control_compartment = control self.output_segments.append(deco_segment) in_deco_cycle = False deco_stop_time = 0 elif in_ascent_cycle: #self.logger.debug(" ascent cycle") # did not decompress, just ascend # TODO : if we enable this code always (not in elif, # but direct) then # model will ascend between deco stops, but ... # this causes collateral damage to runtim calculations self.model.asc_desc(depth_to_pressure(self.current_depth), depth_to_pressure(next_stop_depth), settings.ASCENT_RATE, self.current_tank.f_he, self.current_tank.f_n2, self.pp_o2) self.run_time += abs(float(self.current_depth) - float(next_stop_depth)) / \ (float(settings.ASCENT_RATE)) self.logger.debug("update run time : %ss" % self.run_time) # TODO: Issue here is that this ascent time is not accounted # for in any segments unless it was in an ascent cycle #now we moved up the the next depth self.current_depth = next_stop_depth max_mv = self.model.m_value(depth_to_pressure(self.current_depth)) control = self.model.control_compartment() # Check and switch deco gas temp_tank = self.current_tank # remember in case we switch if self.set_deco_gas(self.current_depth): # True if we changed gas if in_ascent_cycle: self.logger.debug("Add AscDesc(2): start_depth:%s, " "current_depth:%s" % (start_depth, self.current_depth)) self.output_segments.append( SegmentAscDesc(start_depth, self.current_depth, settings.ASCENT_RATE, temp_tank, self.pp_o2)) start_depth = self.current_depth # set next rounded stop depth next_stop_depth = int(self.current_depth) - \ settings.STOP_DEPTH_INCREMENT self.logger.debug("next stop depth: %s, target: %s" % (next_stop_depth, target_depth)) # check in cas we are overshooting or hit last stop if next_stop_depth < target_depth or \ self.current_depth < settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: self.logger.debug("next_stop_depth (%s) < target_depth (%s)" % (next_stop_depth, target_depth)) next_stop_depth = target_depth elif self.current_depth < settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: self.logger.debug("current_depth (%s) < LAST_STOP_DEPTH (%s)" % (self.current_depth, settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH)) next_stop_depth = target_depth # !!! BEGIN FORCE COMMENT (SEE BELOW) #elif next_stop_depth < settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH: # self.logger.debug("next_stop_depth (%s) < " # "settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH (%s)" % # (next_stop_depth, settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH)) # next_stop_depth = settings.LAST_STOP_DEPTH # !!! END FORCE COMMENT #TODO: j'ai commenté les lignes ci-dessus pour éviter # une boucle infinie commprendre pourquoi elles existent... if self.model.gradient.gf_set: # update gf for next stop self.model.gradient.set_gf_at_depth(next_stop_depth) # are we still in ascent segment ? if in_ascent_cycle: self.logger.debug("Add AscDesc(3): start_depth:%s, " "current_depth:%s" % (start_depth, self.current_depth)) self.output_segments.append( SegmentAscDesc(start_depth, self.current_depth, settings.ASCENT_RATE, self.current_tank, self.pp_o2))
[docs] def do_gas_calcs(self): """Estimate gas consumption for all output segments and set this into the respective gas objects *Keyword Arguments:* <none> *Returns:* <nothing> *Raise:* <Exceptions from tank> """ for seg in self.output_segments: seg.tank.consume_gas(seg.gas_used())
[docs] def set_deco_gas(self, depth): """Select appropriate deco gas for the depth specified Returns true if a gas switch occured *Keyword Arguments:* :depth: (float) -- target depth to make the choice *Returns:* True -- if gas swich occured False -- if no gas switch occured *Raise:* <Exceptions from tank> """ gas_switch = False # check to see if we should be changing gases at all ... # if so just return doing nothing if not self.in_final_ascent: return False if not settings.USE_OC_DECO: return False if len(self.tanks) == 0: return False # check and switch deco gases current_tank_sav = self.current_tank for temp_tank in self.tanks: if temp_tank.get_mod() >= depth and \ temp_tank.get_min_od() < depth: # authorised tank # at this depth if temp_tank < current_tank_sav: if self.is_closed_circuit: # only change from CC to OC when a valid tank # for deco is available self.pp_o2 = False self.is_closed_circuit = False self.current_tank = temp_tank gas_switch = True"Changing gas from %s (mod:%s)" "to %s (mod:%s)" % (current_tank_sav, current_tank_sav.get_mod(), self.current_tank, self.current_tank.get_mod())) #else: # break return gas_switch

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