5. Stylesheets

5.1. Available Stylesheets

The stylesheets directory is laid out in the following way:





5.2. Stylesheet Types

5.2.1. Composite Stylsheets

Composite stylesheets combine multiple component stylsheets to create a larger conceptual entity. For example, a composite stylesheet may combine the header, content and footer components while also including the components used to define typographical and form entities.

5.2.2. Component Stylesheets

Component stylesheets represent a singular entity (e.g. header, footer, widget) that may be combined into a composite stylsheet. These stylesheets should include a set of partials that define needed variables, colors, or mixins. Component stylesheets also use the underscore notation to prevent Compass from compiling them directly.

5.2.3. Partial Stylesheets

Partials are denoted by SCSS files that begin with an underscore (e.g. _vars). Partials are intended to be included on multiple component stylesheets and should therefore not include any direct CSS, but rather, should be limited to the following:

  • Variables
  • Mixins
  • Function Directives

5.3. SCSS Code Conventions

The SCSS code conventions adopted by ConvergeUI are an effort to increase readability, performance and re-usability.

5.3.1. Classes and IDs

Use underscores to break apart logical elements of the name. This helps to differentiate custom CSS from standard CSS provided by the browser.



5.3.2. Variables and Mixins

The general format for the naming convention is to use underscores to separate the name and to use a dash to tack on a property of the variable, image or mixin:

  • <the_name_separated_by_underscores>: Use of underscores to separate logical pieces of the name
  • <property>: Denotes “what” a particular variable, or mixin is, typically the name of the CSS property it represents


$login_container-width: 280px;
$login_container-height: 125px;
$logo_link-left: 45px;

mixin header-background {
  background: red;
