

================================================================= PyTek - Python API for Tektronix oscilloscopes' serial interface ================================================================= .. # POST TITLE .. _pyserial: .. _sphinx_rtd_theme: **PyTek** provides a python API for interacting with Tektronix oscilloscopes over a serial interface. It currently supports some basic commands for the TDS3000 series of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes, especially *capturing waveforms* and *screen shots* from the device. .. note:: **Serial Port not Included** PyTek relies on a thirdparty serial port for communications, specifically one that matches the `pyserial`_ API. It is recommended that you simply use `pyserial`_ itself. .. contents:: **Page Contents** :local: :depth: 2 :backlinks: top tl;dr --------------- What? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A python package that gives you an API for interacting with supported Tektronix oscilloscopes over a serial interace. Install? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash $ pip install pytek Or, from source: .. code:: bash $ python install Serial? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We don't provide a serial port implementation. We suggest, `pyserial`_: .. code:: bash $ pip install pyserial Examples? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python >>> from serial import Serial >>> from pytek import TDS3k >>> >>> port = Serial("COM1", 9600, timeout=1) >>> tds = TDS3k(port) >>> >>> >>> # Make the scope identify itself. ... >>> tds.identify() 'TEKTRONIX,TDS 3034,0,CF:91.1CT FV:v2.11 TDS3GM:v1.00 TDS3FFT:v1.00 TDS3TRG:v1.00' >>> >>> >>> >>> # Capture waveform data ... >>> waveform = tds.get_waveform(start=100, stop=109) >>> waveform <generator object <genexpr> at 0x0238B8A0> >> >>> for x,y in waveform: ... print x, y ... -0.0045 -0.16 -0.004499 -0.04 -0.004498 -0.04 -0.004497 -0.12 -0.004496 -0.12 -0.004495 -0.08 -0.004494 -0.12 -0.004493 -0.16 -0.004492 -0.2 -0.004491 -0.08 >>> >>> tds.x_units() 's' >>> tds.y_units() 'V' >>> >>> >>> >>> # Grab a screen shot (this will take a few minutes). ... >>> ofile = open("screenshot.tiff", "wb") >>> tds.screenshot(ofile, "tiff") >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> #Fin. ... >>> tds.close() >>> Dependencies? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll need a serial port interface. See the "`Serial?`_" section, above. To build the sphinx docs from source (as is), you'll need the `sphinx_rtd_theme`_: .. code:: bash $ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme Extras? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ PyTek package includes the following extras (optional installs): serial Adds `pyserial`_ package as a requirement, the recommended serial port interface. docs Adds `sphinx_rtd_theme`_ package as a requirement, needed for building sphinx docs. Docs? ~~~~~~~~ * `Read The Docs (.org) <>`_ * `Python Hosted (.org) <>`_ Misc. --------------- Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This project is currently hosted on `bitbucket <>`_, at ` <>`_. The primary author is Brian Mearns: you can contact Brian through bitbucket at ` <>`_. Copyright and License ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ ``PyTek``\ is \ *free software*\ : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the \ **GNU General Public License**\ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \ ``PyTek``\ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \ **without any warranty**\ ; without even the implied warranty of \ *merchantability*\ or \ *fitness for a particular purpose*\ . See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available in the PyTek distribution under the file LICENSE.txt. If you did not receive a copy of this file, see ` <>`_.


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