
Installing XSP is performed the exact same way (unless someone has decided to package it for a distribution’s package manager and not told me). How you get the source code is where there is some choice.

Getting the source code

Using Git

The source code for XSP is hosted on Github. To clone the repository, make sure you have git installed and run the following command in a terminal:

$ git clone git:// xsp

Once you have the repository cloned, change into the directory:

$ cd xsp


While installing from the repository grants you the possibility of always being able to use the latest and greatest revisions of XSP, there is always a chance of something not working quite right and the build being broken.

Source archive

The pre-packaged source code tar.gz files are also available from the project’s Github page. To obtain the source code for a known, good build, click the Downloads button or go to the project’s master archives list.


The current version, as of this writing, is 0.3.

Once you have figured out which version you want (it is always safe to go with the most-recent version), on a GNU/Linux system, you can use the wget command:


...or the curl command:

curl -O

On BSD systems, the ftp command will usually download a file, when provided it with the destination URL (use it similarly to the wget command in GNU/Linux environments).

Our next step, before installing XSP is to extract the downloaded archive and change into the new directory:

$ tar -zxf xsp-0.3.tar.gz
$ cd xsp-0.3

Installing XSP

Once you are in the root of XSP‘s source tree, all you have to do is use the provided script to install XSP in all is XML-parsing glory.:

$ sudo python install

And that’s it!

Project Versions

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