Disruptor queue management

A disruptor queue in Varon-T is a high-performance ring buffer with memory barriers and yielding strategies to coordinate producers and consumers of value instances. A distinguishing feature of disruptor queues is that value instances are pre-allocated by the library, usually with size of a power of 2. The result is disruptor queues do little to no memory allocation during execution, and your application requests access from the library to value instances.

A Varon-T distruptor queue is defined by the following interface:

struct vrt_queue
const char *name

An alphanumeric name for the queue.

struct vrt_value **values

The array of values managed by the queue (see value objects for a discussion of custom values.)

unsigned int value_mask

A mask that is always equal to |queue| - 1 and used to determine the queue size efficiently through the calculation x % value_count. This works because the actual queue size is always a power of 2.

const struct vrt_value_type *value_type

The type of values managed by the queue (see value objects for a discussion of custom value types.)

vrt_producer_array producers
vrt_consumers_array consumers

Arrays of producers and consumers feeding this queue

vrt_value_id last_consumed_id

The ID of the last guaranteed value instanced processed by each consumer.

struct vrt_padded_int last_claimed_id

The ID of the last value instance claimed by a producer. This is only updated for disruptor queues with multiple producers. It is expected that single producer disruptor queues will track this value internal to the producer instance.

vrt_padded_int cursor

The next value instance ID that can written into the queue.

Built-in operations

We support several built-in operations for queue management.

struct vrt_queue * vrt_queue_new(const char *name, const struct vrt_value_type *value_type, unsigned int value_count)

Construct a new disruptor queue called name that stores value_count objects of type value_type in a ring buffer.

void vrt_queue_free(struct vrt_queue *q)

Free the memory associated with q.

static inline vrt_value_id vrt_queue_get_cursor(struct vrt_queue *q)

Return the ID of the value instance that was most recently published into the queue. Since this function involves a memory barrier, it should be used sparingly.

#define vrt_queue_size(q)

Return the number of values managed by the queue.

#define vrt_queue_get(q, id)

Return the value instance with the given ID

Built-in result codes

The following result codes are used to indicate various disruptor queue states.


Signify that no more data will be sent through the queue.


Signify that an upstream producer has requested a flush operation.