Welcome to python-docar’s documentation!

A lot of web services provide nowadays a REST interface and clients can communicate and manipulate state on the server by exchanging messages. python-docar provides a declarative style of defining those messages as documents, and makes it possible to resue the definitions on the server as well as on the client side.

A document maps to a resource, whereas it doesn’t matter how this resource is stored. python-docar implements at the moment a backend for django models and a backend for a http endpoint. A MongoDB backend is in the making.

  • Each message is declared as a python class that subclasses docar.Document.
  • Each attribute of the document represents one field in the message.
  • Other documents can be referenced and handled inline.
  • More than one document of the same type can be managed in collections.
  • You can reuse the same document declarations and only replace the backend.

A quick example

>>> # The document declaration
>>> from docar import Document, fields
>>> from docar.serializers import JsonSerializer, DropinJsonSerializer
>>> from djangoproject.newspaper import ArticleModel

>>> class Article(Document):
...     id = fields.NumberField()
...     name = fields.StringField()
...     class Meta:
...         backend_type = 'django'
...         model = ArticleModel

>>> # A server example
>>> article = Article({'id': 1})
>>> article.fetch()  # Fetch this document from the backend

>>> # The DropinJsonSerializer is an old format I keep for compatibility
>>> # issues for an project of mine.
>>> DropinJsonSerializer.dump(article)
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Headline",
    "link": {
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "http://example.org/article/1/"

>>> # There is also a simple json serializer available.
>>> # The following line is the same as json.dumps(article.render())
>>> JsonSerializer.dump(article)
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Headline"

>>> article.headline = "Another Headline"
>>> article.save()  # Save the document to the backend model
>>> DropinJsonSerializer.dump(article)
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Another Headline",
    "link": {
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "http://example.org/article/1/"

>>> # A client example taling to a remote API endpoint
>>> article = Article()
>>> article.name = "Next Headline"
>>> article.save(username='user', password='pass')

>>> # You can also declare a collection of documents
>>> from docar import Collection
>>> class NewsPaper(Collection):
...     document = Article

>>> newspaper = NewsPaper()
>>> newspaper.add(article)
>>> DropinJsonSerializer.dump(article)
    "id": 1,
    "headline": "Headline"
    "link": {
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "http://example.org/article/1/"

All documents inherit from the docar.Document class. It acts as a representation of a resource. A resource maps to a datastructure that is stored in a backend, see the section about `Backends`_ for more information. Each attribute of the document maps to a field of the resource in the backend.

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