Extending PolicyPad

Adding Support for Other Editors

PolicyPad includes support for WymEditor by default, but it can be easily extended to support any HTML editor, so long as it can conform to the proper interface. In the constructor for the class for the new editor, simply pass a reference to the object that adheres to the following interface:

status(msg, [persistent])
Called when PolicyPad wants to provide a status update to the user. These messages are for information only, and can be safely ignored. The persistent flag, if set, indicates whether or not the message should be displayed until it is explicitly replaced with another message. Again, this flag is just a suggestion, and an implementing GUI can handle this flag however it wishes.
If val is set, the contents of the editor should be replaced with the text contained in val. If val is undefined, the method should return the browser specific form of the contents of the document. The value returned by this method is used to help determine if the document has changed.
Retrieve the current html content of the document. The value returned by this function should be independent of the platform the editor is running on because this value is what will be synchronized between clients.
If the GUI wants to display a list of connected users, the GUI should refresh that list whenever this method is invoked. Specifics as to the action that occurred are not provided, but that information can be retrieved via the getUserList() method of the PolicyPad instance.
Before replacing the contents of the editor, PolicyPad will prompt the GUI to save the current cursor position/selection so that it can later be restored.
Indicates that the editor should restore the previously saved cursor position/selection.

Aside from implementing the provided interface, the new editor plugin must also indicate when the state of the document has changed. This action can by accomplished by calling the submitChanges() method of the PolicyPad instance.

Running the PolicyPad Test Suite

The suite of test cases included with PolicyPad can be run by viewing the index.html page located in the test folder of PolicyPad’s root directory. These tests are specific to the various changeset operations required for PolicyPad to interact with EtherPad, but the test cases themselves do not communicate with EtherPad and should not require any special configuration.

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