Working With Groups --------------------- Creating a Group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: text $ mf group create -l my-group --display-name 'My Group Title' Updating a Group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: text $ mf group update my-group --restricted=True *Note: A 'restricted' group means that users must be approved by the group owner before they are added to the groups users.* Deleting a Group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: text $ mf group delete my-group Listing Groups ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ List all groups that I belong to: .. code-block:: text $ mf group listall List all available groups: .. code-block:: text $ mf group listall --all mf-admin mf-everyone my-group List only groups that I own: .. code-block:: text $ mf group listall --mine my-group List groups I belong to, but filter the results: .. code-block:: text $ mf group listall -f mf mf-everyone List all available groups, but filter the results: .. code-block:: text $ mf group listall --all -f mf mf-admin mf-everyone Showing Data For a Group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: text $ mf group show my-group Group Name | my-group Display Name | My Group Title Owner | john.doe Created On | 2010-11-29 17:57:18 Last Update | 2010-11-29 20:32:38 Restricted | False Users | john.doe mf-admin The 'show' command will only show up to 10 users in a group. To see a full list of users in a group use 'listusers': .. code-block:: text $ mf group listusers my-group john.doe mf-admin Joining and Leaving Groups ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: text $ mf group join some-group $ mf group leave some-group Group administrators can also remove users from a group: .. code-block:: text $ mf group removeuser my-group --user some-user *Note: There is also a 'adduser' command, but requires the 'mf_admin' permission so that regular users do not have the power to add other users to a group they don't want to be in.* Approving User Join Requests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the group is 'restricted' then any join requests will add the user to the 'pending_users' list, and require approval to be added to the groups users. .. code-block:: text $ mf group list-pending-users my-group $ mf group approve my-group --user some-user