oEmbed Support

tumblelog provides special subclasses of BasePostType which add methods and properties that facilitate retrieval and storage of data from an oEmbed provider.

How It Works

oEmbed providers conform to an API standard that reports embedding information and metadata for a specific resource (photo, video, etc) on their server.

For example, when YouTube’s oEmbed endpoint is queried about a video, it will return that video’s embed code, dimensions, title, information about the uploader, and a thumbnail image.

tumblelog’s oEmbed post types have a single editable field, denoting a resource’s URL. When an instantiation is saved, the specified oEmbed provider is queried and that resource’s embed code and metadata are saved in uneditable fields.


Let’s look at an example oEmbed post type that will retrieve and store information about a document on Scribd:

from django.db import models

from tumblelog.fields import OEmbedURLField
from tumblelog.models import BaseOembedRich

class Scribd(BaseOembedRich):
    Post type for an a Scribd document, with metadata and embed code pulled
    directly from the source using Scribd's oEmbed API
    scribd_url = OEmbedURLField(_('Scribd URL'), max_length=1024)

    scribd_user = models.CharField(_('Uploader\'s Username'),max_length=512,
        null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
    scribd_user_url = models.URLField(_('Uploader\'s Scribd Profile'),
        max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
    scribd_title = models.CharField(_('Vimeo Title'), max_length=512,
        null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
    thumbnail_url = models.URLField(_('Thumbnail'), max_length=1024,
        null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
    thumbnail_width = models.IntegerField(_('Thumbnail Width'), null=True,
        blank=True, editable=False)
    thumbnail_height = models.IntegerField(_('Thumbnail Height'), null=True,
        blank=True, editable=False)

    class TumblelogMeta:
        prepopulated_fields = {
            'slug': ('title',)

    oembed_endpoint = 'http://www.scribd.com/services/oembed'
    oembed_schema = [
    oembed_map = (
        ('author_name', 'scribd_user',),
        ('author_url', 'scribd_user_url',),
        ('title', 'scribd_title',),
        ('video_id', 'vimeo_video_id',),
        ('html', 'embed',),

    def oembed_resource(self):
        return self.scribd_url

The only editable field on this model is scribd_url. All other fields are uneditable, and are populated with information from the provider’s response. The oembed_endpoint, oembed_schema, oembed_map, and oembed_resource properties define this interaction and are described in greater depth later.

oEmbed Types

The oEmbed specification defines four broad types of resource, each with their own requirements in the provider response: photo, video, link, and image. To account for those fields, there are four subclasses of BaseOembedPostType to match each type. Custom oEmbed post types should never directly inherit from BaseOembedPostType; instead it should inherit from one of the following base classes, depending on the nature of the response. Each of these are defined in the tumblelog.models module.


Extends BaseOembedPostType by adding three fields specific for the static photos it represents:

  • image_url - URL of the image resource
  • width - height of the image resource
  • height - width of the image resource


Extends BaseOembedPostType by adding three fields specific for the playable videos it represents:

  • embed - video embed code
  • width - width of the embedded video
  • height - height of the embedded video


Extends BaseOembedPostType by adding three fields specific for the rich media it represents:

  • embed - embed code
  • width - width of the embed
  • height - height of the embedd


Each oEmbed post type should define each of these properties.


A model method decorated with @property indicating the URL of the resource. Typically this will server as a pointer to a field on the model, as demonstrated in the example:

def oembed_resource(self):
    return self.scribd_url

The field referenced should always be an OEmbedURLField.


A string indicating the URL of the provider’s oEmbed endpoint.

oembed_endpoint = 'http://www.scribd.com/services/oembed'


A list of glob-style patterns indicating valid resource patterns. On Scribd, there is only one valid pattern; others may have more. When developing custom oEmbed post types, consider short URL patterns and multiple resource types while defining this property.

If the value specified by oembed_resource does not match any of these patterns, a validation error is raised.

oembed_schema = [


A tuple mapping properties of the provider response to fields on the post type’s model. If a member of the tuple is a string, then it is mapped to a field

oembed_map = (
    ('author_name', 'scribd_user',),
    ('author_url', 'scribd_user_url',),
    ('title', 'scribd_title',),
    ('video_id', 'vimeo_video_id',),
    ('html', 'embed',),

In this example, the thumbnail_url value from the provider response is stored on the thumbnail_url field on the Scribd model. The author_name value from the response is stored on the scribd_user field.


These fields are added by the BaseOembedPostType model.

  • caption - a text field serving as a caption for the resource
  • version - the oEmbed version specified in the provider response. Currently always “1.0”
  • provider_name - the name of of oEmbed provider, specified in the provider response
  • provider_url - the url of of oEmbed provider, specified in the provider response
  • date_updated - the time and date of the most recent fetch of data.
  • cache_age - the number of seconds to cache the provider response. tumblelog will honor this, attempting to refetch the data after this number of seconds has elapsed since date_updated. This defaults to the value specified in OEMBED_DEFAULT_CACHE_AGE.

Other fields may be added by the specific oEmbed type being used.

A simple and extensible tumblelog engine for Django. Created by Chuck Harmston, released under the MIT license.

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