delivery backendsΒΆ

Delivery backends are responsible for actually delivering a notice to the user in some form. The most important method on the DeliveryBackend class is deliver_to.:

from import BaseDeliveryBackend
class ConsoleNotification(BaseDeliveryBackend):
    def deliver_to(self, user, context, notice, language):
         context is the context that was provided when sending the notice, already manipulated for the user and
         his language.
         msg = render_to_string(
                "notifyme/notices/%s/console/msg.txt" % notice.identifier,
            ), context_instance=context)
         print msg

The corresponsing template in notifyme/notices/printer_on_fire/console/msg.txt could be:

{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans %}notifyme console message for %(user)s{% endblocktrans %}: {% trans 'printer' %}: {{ printer }} {% trans 'flames' %}: {{ flames }}

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