4. Available modules

Django Chuck literally consists of modules. It is most likely that you want to write your own Chuck modules once you understand the concept, but you got to admit that sometimes some good built-ins come in just handy. This section is about the modules that ship with Django Chuck by default.

Hitting the docs every time you’re about to install a plugin might feel circumstantial. Use chuck list_modules to get an overview of all installed modules. Use chuck show_info <module_name> to display further information.

Module Description
apache Generates virtualhost for Apache and a mod_wsgi config
coffee-script Installs the CoffeeScript binary into your virtualenv and adds its path to the django-compressor precompilers setting. Needs a working installation of node.js and npm.
core The main thing!
django-1.3 Legacy support for Django 1.3.
django-cms Installs Django-Cms and filer apps
django-compressor Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached files.
django-debug-toolbar The Django debug toolbar
django-extensions Common Django extensions like shell`plus
django-imagekit Automated image processing for Django models.
django-mptt Build tree-based models
django-tastypie Creating delicious REST APIs
django-tastypie-mongoengine MongoEngine support for django-tastypie.
fabric Fabric is a simple, pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
feincms Installs the FeinCMS
html5lib Python library for working with HTML5 documents
jenkins Plug and play integration with the Jenkins Continuous Integration server
jquery Installs the jQuery javascript library. Needs git in order to work properly.
less-css The dynamic stylesheet language less-css. Needs a working installation of node.js and npm.
mongoengine A Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB
mootools Installs the Mootools javascript library
mysql MySQL database settings
nginx Generates NGiNX virtualhost config
oracle Oracle database settings
pil The Python Image Library
postgres PostgreSQL database settings
south The de facto standard for database migrations
twitter-bootstrap The current de facto standard for frontend prototyping. Requires git and depends on less-css module
unittest A collection of apps that make your TDD life a lot more easier.
uwsgi Generates a config and app file for your uWSGI deployment

4.1. A few words about...

4.1.1. Testing

Django itself comes with a wonderful unit testing framework but Chuck takes things even further with the unittest module, a nice and useful collection of apps that makes the life of any TD dev a lot easier.

Module Description
django-test-utils Let you run a test server that will automatically generate view tests while browsing the site
django-any Allows you to easily generate some random test data
pylint Checks your code quality for best practices and awful smells
django-jenkins Plug and play continuous integration with Django and Jenkins
coverage Calculates the code coverage of your unit tests
mock A mocking library

4.1.2. Continuous integration

You may want to have your web app to be quality controlled. Seriously, if you code towards a major release, you want that happen. At this point we recommend django-jenkins.

To get Jenkins support you need to install both the unittest and jenkins module. There is a reason for us exposing those two modules as example alias in the example_conf.py.

Additionally you will have to install the following (not Django-related) Jenkins modules to get everything up and working:

  • Cobertura Plugin
  • Jenkins Violations plugin

Chuck’s jenkins module will create a file jenkins/build_script.sh to use to build and test your project and generate code coverage reports.

When your server is up and running, do the following:

  • Create a new job in Jenkins
  • Choose Free Style project
  • Configure your source code management and use Shell execute as Build step. Click on Report violations and specify the full path to the generated script and in Post-build Actions add reports/pylint.report as pylint xml filename pattern. Click on the checkbox publish JUnit test result report and add reports/TEST-*.xml

For automatic tests choose Poll SCM in the Build Triggers section and enter * * * * *

Last but not least check the Publish Cobertura Coverage Report checkbox and add reports/coverage.xml as pattern.

Now Jenkins will build your virtualenv and database, execute the unit tests, checks source code quality using pylint and generates code coverage reports every time you checkin some new code.

4.1.3. Deployment

We assume you want to deploy your Django project using the WSGI interface. Normally this can be a tedious and error-prone job so let Chuck do it for you!

Chuck has got a module uwsgi to create a config xml named uwsgi.xml created and an app file called django_wsgi.py. Now all you have to do to deploy it on a uWSGI server is

uwsgi -x uwsgi/live/uwsgi.xml

Assumed you used either the apache or nginx module to create your project you will find a corresponding directory in the projects hosting subdirectory to easily add your project as a virtual host to your webserver.

If your project is running on a remote server it’s very likely that you want to update it after some time. If installed with the fabric module, Chuck created a fab file for you to connect via ssh, checkout the latest source branch (we use stage for testing and live for production environment), play in database updates, update static files and reload the webserver.

Have a look at fabfile/__init__.py and at least change the user- and hostname for the ssh connection, but surely we also couldn’t guess your remote directory structure so adjust them as well. Afterwards deployment is as easy as hitting a button. For example this will update your production environment:

fab live deploy

Project Versions

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