Submitting a Patch

Patches are the best way to provide a bug fix or to propose enhancements to CuteFlow. If you like to work on new features please contact the CuteFlow Core Team on the dev mailing-list

Initial Setup

Before working on CuteFlow, setup a friendly environment with the following software:

  • Git;
  • PHP version 5.3.2 or above;
  • PHPUnit 3.5.11 or above.

Set up your user information with your real name and a working email address:

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global


If you are new to Git, we highly recommend you to read the excellent and free ProGit book.

Get the CuteFlow source code:

  • Create a GitHub account and sign in;
  • Fork the CuteFlow repository (click on the “Fork” button);
  • After the “hardcore forking action” has completed, clone your fork locally (this will create a CuteFlow-V4 directory):
$ git clone
  • Add the upstream repository as remote:
$ cd CuteFlow-V4
$ git remote add upstream git://

CuteFlow Setup

You need to get CuteFlow up and running before you can start developing on it. For an clean and mean development installation just take the following steps:

  • Create a database on your MySQL-Server (name it for example cuteflow-v4)
  • Rename the app/config/parameters.ini.dist to app/config/parameters.ini
  • Open the file app/config/parameters.ini and adapt the database parameters to the settings of your environment
  • Create and fill the database schema:
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:create
$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

The fixtures containing a admin user with password admin

Working on a Patch

Each time you want to work on a patch for a bug or on an enhancement, create a topic branch:

$ git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME


Use a descriptive name for your branch (ticket_XXX where XXX is the ticket number is a good convention for bug fixes).

The above command automatically switches the code to the newly created branch (check the branch you are working on with git branch).

Work on the code as much as you want and commit as much as you want; but keep in mind the following:

  • Follow the coding standards (use git diff –check to check for trailing spaces);
  • Add unit tests to prove that the bug is fixed or that the new feature actually works;
  • Do atomic and logically separate commits (use the power of git rebase to have a clean and logical history);
  • Write good commit messages.


A good commit message is composed of a summary (the first line), optionally followed by a blank line and a more detailed description. The summary should start with the Component you are working on in square brackets ([Administration], [WorkflowManagement], ...). Use a verb (fixed ..., added ..., ...) to start the summary and don’t add a period at the end.

Submitting a Patch

Before submitting your patch, update your branch (needed if it takes you a while to finish your changes):

$ git checkout master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master
$ git checkout BRANCH_NAME
$ git rebase master

When doing the rebase command, you might have to fix merge conflicts. git status will show you the unmerged files. Resolve all the conflicts, then continue the rebase:

$ git add ... # add resolved files
$ git rebase --continue

Check that all tests still pass and push your branch remotely:

$ git push origin BRANCH_NAME

You can now discuss your patch on the dev mailing-list or make a pull request (they must be done on the cuteflow/CuteFlow-V4 repository). To ease the core team work, always include the modified components in your pull request message, like in:

[Administration] foo bar
[Translation] [WorkflowManagement] foo bar

If you are going to send an email to the mailing-list, don’t forget to reference you branch URL ( BRANCH_NAME) or the pull request URL.

Based on the feedback from the mailing-list or via the pull request on GitHub, you might need to rework your patch. Before re-submitting the patch, rebase with master, don’t merge; and force the push to the origin:

$ git rebase -f upstream/master
$ git push -f origin BRANCH_NAME


All patches you are going to submit must be released under the MIT license, unless explicitly specified in the code.