.. _cloud: Cloud Enabled ############# .. _libcloud: http://incubator.apache.org/libcloud/ .. _DreamHost: http://www.dreamhost.com/hosting-vps.html .. _Amazon: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ .. _`Enomaly ECP`: http://www.enomaly.com/ .. _ElasticHosts: http://www.elastichosts.com/ .. _GoGrid: http://www.gogrid.com/ .. _`IBM Developer Cloud`: http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/igs/cloud-development/ .. _Linode: http://www.linode.com/ .. _OpenNebula: http://www.opennebula.org/ .. _Rackspace: http://www.rackspacecloud.com/index.php .. _RimuHosting: http://rimuhosting.com/ .. _Slicehost: http://www.slicehost.com/ .. _Softlayer: http://www.softlayer.com/ .. _VoxCloud: http://www.voxel.net/ .. _VPS.net: http://www.vps.net/ CeleryManagement is fully integrated with libcloud_ allowing you to operate your CeleryManagement infrastructure on the cloud computing provider of your choice. .. contents:: .. _supported_clouds: Supported Clouds ================ CeleryManagement currently supports the following cloud environments: - DreamHost_ - Amazon_ - `Enomaly ECP`_ - ElasticHosts_ - GoGrid_ - `IBM Developer Cloud`_ - Linode_ - OpenNebula_ - Rackspace_ - RimuHosting_ - Slicehost_ - Softlayer_ - VoxCloud_ - VPS.net_ .. _building_your_cloud_image: Building Your Image on the Cloud ================================ .. _CeleryManagementLib: https://github.com/bmbouter/CeleryManagementLib To begin running your celery infrastructure in cloud computing environments, you will need to first build a cloud image that meets the following requirements: - celery or django-celery installed - SSH server start by default at boot - Your Task code - Have installed CeleryManagementLib_ (optional but recommended) .. _configuring_your_cloud_system: Configuring Your System ======================= If you want to have CeleryManagement manage and control your infrastructure dynamically set the following variable in the settings.py file: ``CELERYMANAGEMENTAPP_INFRASTRUCTURE_USE_MODE = "dynamic"`` Once set, all configuration and management happens through the web interface at this location: ``/celerymanagementapp/view/configure/``