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Your generous donations help fund future development.

This document describes Baruwa 1.0.2. For development docs, go here.

Baruwa on Fedora

The Baruwa rpm that is provided only supports apache out of the box, if you are running a different web server, please install from source or rebuild the source rpm to support your web server.

Baruwa rpm install

Install the dojo rpm from

# yum --nogpgcheck localinstall dojo-1.4.3-1.fc13.noarch.rpm

Download the rpm from

Then proceed and install the rpm:

# yum --nogpgcheck localinstall baruwa-<version>.noarch.rpm

Create the database:

# mysqladmin -u root -p create baruwa

Create the database user:

mysql> GRANT ALL ON baruwa.* TO baruwa@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
mysql> flush privileges;

Configure MailScanner

It is assumed that you have a working MailScanner system already installed and configured, if you are installing from scratch please refer to their documentation on how to install and configure MailScanner.

Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/ and set the variables:

my ($db_name)   = 'baruwa';
my ($db_host)   = 'localhost';
my ($db_user)   = 'baruwa';
my ($db_pass)   = '<password>';
my ($sqlite_db) = "/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/baruwa.db";

Next edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, you need to make sure that the following options are set:

Quarantine User = exim (Or what ever your "Run As User" is set to)
Quarantine Group = apache (or your webserver user if not apache)
Quarantine Permissions = 0660
Quarantine Whole Message = yes
Quarantine Whole Message As Queue Files = no
Detailed Spam Report = yes
Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
Always Looked Up Last = &BaruwaSQL

To actually quarantine and later process messages with in baruwa, set ‘store’ as one of your keywords for the “Spam Actions” and “High Scoring Spam Actions” MailScanner options

Integrate SQL Blacklists/Whitelists

Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/ and set the variables:

my ($db_name) = 'baruwa';
my ($db_host) = 'localhost';
my ($db_user) = 'baruwa';
my ($db_pass) = '<password>';

Next edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, and set the following options:

Is Definitely Not Spam = &BaruwaWhitelist
Is Definitely Spam = &BaruwaBlacklist

Integrate per user settings

Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/ and set the variables:

my ($db_name) = 'baruwa';
my ($db_host) = 'localhost';
my ($db_user) = 'baruwa';
my ($db_pass) = '<password>';

Link the BaruwaUserSettings module:

ln -s /usr/lib/baruwa/ /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/

Edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, and set the following options:

Required SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaLowScore
High SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaHighScore

If you want users to be able to turn off spam checks for their own profiles, set the following options:

Spam Checks = &BaruwaShouldScan

Apply configuration changes

Restart up MailScanner:

# /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart

Verify that is working

Check your log files you should see

Baruwa SQL logger:

Aug  9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[8470]: Logging message 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s to Baruwa SQL
Aug  9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[11052]: 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s: Logged to Baruwa SQL

Baruwa Lists:

Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Starting Baruwa whitelists
Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Read 6 whitelist items
Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Ip blocks whitelisted

Baruwa User settings:

Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Baruwa - Populating spam score settings
Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Read 1 spam score settings
Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Baruwa - Populating high spam score settings
Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Read 1 high spam score settings

Configure Baruwa

Edit the baruwa

# baruwa_path=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")
# vi $baruwa_path/baruwa/

And set the mysql database details:

DATABASE_NAME = 'baruwa'
DATABASE_USER = 'baruwa'
DATABASE_PASSWORD = '<baruwa_password>'
DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost'

Create the baruwa admin user and populate the database:

# $baruwa_path/baruwa/ syncdb

Edit the file and make configuration changes to suit your site.:

# vi $baruwa_path/baruwa/

Setup Web server

Edit your apache configurations to enable virtual hosting if not enabled already. Then set the correct hostname in /etc/httpd/conf.d/baruwa.conf:

# change to your hostname
ServerName baruwa-alpha.local

Make sure mod_wsgi is enabled, uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf:

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/

Restart apache and point your browser to the hostname url.