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Baruwa on Ubuntu/Debian

Baruwa deb install

Download the deb from

The installation process will also configure apache, mysql and baruwa should you choose.

The install asks you for the following info

  • apache virtualhost name (The name used to configure the baruwa apache virtualhost)
  • database host (The hostname or ip of the host running your mysql database)
  • database admin user (A user account with admin access on the database server)
  • database admin password (The password fo the above user)
  • database user (The user baruwa will use to connect to the database)
  • database password (The password for the above)
  • database name (The name of the baruwa database)
  • baruwa admin user (The baruwa admin user)
  • baruwa admin password (The baruwa admin user password)
  • baruwa admin email (The baruwa admin user email address)

Install Baruwa:

# apt-get install gdebi-core
# gdebi baruwa_<version>_all.deb

Configure MailScanner

Enable the custom functions in your MailScanner configuration, edit the configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf and set the following:

Is Definitely Not Spam = &BaruwaWhitelist
Is Definitely Spam = &BaruwaBlacklist
Always Looked Up Last = &BaruwaSQL

To actually quarantine and later process messages with in baruwa, set ‘store’ as one of your keywords for the “Spam Actions” and “High Scoring Spam Actions” MailScanner options

Integrate per user settings

Edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, and set the following options:

Required SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaLowScore
High SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaHighScore

If you want users to be able to turn off spam checks for their own profiles, set the following options:

Spam Checks = &BaruwaShouldScan

Verify that is working

Check your log files you should see

Baruwa SQL logger:

Aug  9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[8470]: Logging message 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s to Baruwa SQL
Aug  9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[11052]: 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s: Logged to Baruwa SQL

Baruwa Lists:

Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Starting Baruwa whitelists
Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Read 6 whitelist items
Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Ip blocks whitelisted

Baruwa User settings:

Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Baruwa - Populating spam score settings
Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Read 1 spam score settings
Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Baruwa - Populating high spam score settings
Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Read 1 high spam score settings

Configure Baruwa

Edit the file and make configuration changes to suit your site.:

# baruwa_path=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")
# vi $baruwa_path/baruwa/

Thats it point your browser to the apache virtualhost url.