============= Getting Help ============= How do I do X? Why doesn't Y work? Where can I go to get help? -------------------------------------------------------------- If the documentation does not contain an answer to your issue try the Baruwa mailing list, Feel free to ask any questions on installing, configuring, integrating and troubleshooting Baruwa. Please subscribe to the `mailing-list`_ or if you prefer to use a `forum`_ interface I think I've found a security problem! What should I do? --------------------------------------------------------- If you think you've found a security problem with Baruwa, please send a message to andrew@topdog.za.net Can i get Commercial Support or pay for an installation ------------------------------------------------------- The `author`_ of Baruwa provides commercial support on both an ad-hoc and contract basis for Baruwa and all the associated applications. Any issues big or small from custom features to running entire clusters on a day to day basis. All commercial support is offered via the `Elance`_ escrow system. .. _`Elance`: http://www.elance.com/s/datopdog/ .. _`mailing-list`: http://lists.baruwa.org/ .. _`forum`: http://baruwa-users-list.963389.n3.nabble.com/ .. _`author`: http://www.topdog.za.net/