.. _installfedora: ================ Baruwa on Fedora ================ The Baruwa rpm that is provided only supports apache out of the box, if you are running a different web server, please install from source or rebuild the source rpm to support your web server. Baruwa rpm install ================== Install the dojo rpm from http://topdog-software.com/oss/dojo/:: # yum --nogpgcheck localinstall dojo-1.4.3-1.fc13.noarch.rpm Download the rpm from http://www.topdog-software.com/oss/baruwa/ Then proceed and install the rpm:: # yum --nogpgcheck localinstall baruwa-.noarch.rpm Create the database:: # mysqladmin -u root -p create baruwa Create the database user:: mysql> GRANT ALL ON baruwa.* TO baruwa@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ''; mysql> flush privileges; Configure MailScanner ===================== It is assumed that you have a working MailScanner system already installed and configured, if you are installing from scratch please refer to their documentation on how to install and configure MailScanner. Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/BaruwaSQL.pm and set the variables:: my ($db_name) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_host) = 'localhost'; my ($db_user) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_pass) = ''; my ($sqlite_db) = "/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/baruwa.db"; Next edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, you need to make sure that the following options are set:: Quarantine User = exim (Or what ever your "Run As User" is set to) Quarantine Group = apache (or your webserver user if not apache) Quarantine Permissions = 0660 Quarantine Whole Message = yes Quarantine Whole Message As Queue Files = no Detailed Spam Report = yes Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes Always Looked Up Last = &BaruwaSQL To actually quarantine and later process messages with in baruwa, set 'store' as one of your keywords for the "Spam Actions" and "High Scoring Spam Actions" MailScanner options **Integrate SQL Blacklists/Whitelists** Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/BaruwaLists.pm and set the variables:: my ($db_name) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_host) = 'localhost'; my ($db_user) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_pass) = ''; Next edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, and set the following options:: Is Definitely Not Spam = &BaruwaWhitelist Is Definitely Spam = &BaruwaBlacklist **Integrate per user settings** Edit /usr/lib/baruwa/BaruwaUserSettings.pm and set the variables:: my ($db_name) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_host) = 'localhost'; my ($db_user) = 'baruwa'; my ($db_pass) = ''; Link the BaruwaUserSettings module:: ln -s /usr/lib/baruwa/BaruwaUserSettings.pm /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/ Edit the MailScanner config file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, and set the following options:: Required SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaLowScore High SpamAssassin Score = &BaruwaHighScore If you want users to be able to turn off spam checks for their own profiles, set the following options:: Spam Checks = &BaruwaShouldScan **Apply configuration changes** Restart up MailScanner:: # /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart **Verify that is working** Check your log files you should see Baruwa SQL logger:: Aug 9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[8470]: Logging message 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s to Baruwa SQL Aug 9 18:58:27 localhost MailScanner[11052]: 1OiVg7-0003zS-9s: Logged to Baruwa SQL Baruwa Lists:: Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Starting Baruwa whitelists Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Read 6 whitelist items Aug 9 18:32:42 localhost MailScanner[27260]: Ip blocks whitelisted xxx.xx.xxx.0/26 Baruwa User settings:: Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Baruwa - Populating spam score settings Aug 9 15:00:03 localhost MailScanner[25708]: Read 1 spam score settings Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Baruwa - Populating high spam score settings Aug 9 14:59:53 localhost MailScanner[25668]: Read 1 high spam score settings Configure Baruwa ================ Edit the baruwa settings.py:: # baruwa_path=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") # vi $baruwa_path/baruwa/settings.py And set the mysql database details:: DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' DATABASE_NAME = 'baruwa' DATABASE_USER = 'baruwa' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost' Create the baruwa admin user and populate the database:: # $baruwa_path/baruwa/manage.py syncdb Edit the settings.py file and make configuration changes to suit your site.:: # vi $baruwa_path/baruwa/settings.py **Setup Web server** Edit your apache configurations to enable virtual hosting if not enabled already. Then set the correct hostname in /etc/httpd/conf.d/baruwa.conf:: # change to your hostname ServerName baruwa-alpha.local Make sure mod_wsgi is enabled, uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf:: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so Restart apache and point your browser to the hostname url.