.. _installfedora: ================ Baruwa on Fedora ================ Configure MailScanner ===================== :ref:`Configure ` MailScanner if you have not already done so. Baruwa rpm install ================== Download the rpm from `topdog-software.com `_, Now proceed and install the rpm:: # yum --nogpgcheck localinstall baruwa-.noarch.rpm Create the database:: # mysqladmin -u root -p create baruwa Create the database user:: mysql> GRANT ALL ON baruwa.* TO baruwa@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ''; mysql> flush privileges; Configure Baruwa ================ Edit the baruwa settings.py:: # baruwa_path=$(python2.4 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") # vi $baruwa_path/setttings.py And set the mysql database details:: DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' DATABASE_NAME = 'baruwa' DATABASE_USER = 'baruwa' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost' Create the baruwa admin user and populate the database:: # $baruwa_path/baruwa/manage.py syncdb Edit the settings.py file and make the baruwa specific changes to suit your install:: # vi $baruwa_path/setttings.py **Setup Web server** Edit your apache configurations to enable virtual hosting if not enabled already. Then set the correct hostname in /etc/httpd/conf.d/baruwa.conf:: # change to your hostname ServerName baruwa-alpha.local Make sure mod_wsgi is enabled, uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf:: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so Restart apache and point your browser to the hostname url.