.. _installdeb: ======================= Baruwa on Ubuntu/Debian ======================= Baruwa deb install ================== Download the deb from `topdog-software.com `_, The installation process will also configure apache, mysql and baruwa should you choose. The install asks you for the following info + apache virtualhost name (The name used to configure the baruwa apache virtualhost) + database host (The hostname or ip of the host running your mysql database) + database admin user (A user account with admin access on the database server) + database admin password (The password fo the above user) + database user (The user baruwa will use to connect to the database) + database password (The password for the above) + database name (The name of the baruwa database) + baruwa admin user (The baruwa admin user) + baruwa admin password (The baruwa admin user password) + baruwa admin email (The baruwa admin user email address) Install Baruwa:: # gdebi baruwa__all.deb Configure MailScanner ===================== Enable the custom functions in your MailScanner configuration, edit the configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf and set the following:: Is Definitely Not Spam = &BaruwaWhitelist Is Definitely Spam = &BaruwaBlacklist Always Looked Up Last = &BaruwaSQL Take a look at the :ref:`mailscanner ` configuration instructions for other options. Configure Baruwa ================ Edit the settings.py file and make the baruwa specific changes to suit your install:: # baruwa_path=$(python2.4 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") # vi $baruwa_path/setttings.py Thats it point your browser to the apache virtualhost url.